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Strong inference
送交者: QingXingChen 2008月07月07日10:47:08 於 [天下論壇] 發送悄悄話
回  答: 蘆笛: 是黨蠢還是人民蠢?蘆笛 於 2008-07-07 08:01:43
Another good one. Always admire your writings.
Yes, the whole China is getting farther away from the correct ways of thinking. Before those political movements started by Mao, Chinese intellectuals, a tiny small part of Chinese population, were good and they knew how to think in a correct way. That made Mao really angry. That is why he started so many political movements to specially oppress Chinese intellectuals. After decades, fewer and fewer Chinese know what a correct way of thinking is. That is also why so many unbeliveable things, some of them large-scale disasters, have happened to China even though there are so many college graduates.
People say China is DUT: Dirty history, Ugly people, Twisted culture. When we really look into those categories and compare them with Western world, we have to confess China really is DUT.
Thank you for shaing. Look forward to more of your great writings.
  I don't agree - kcho1348 07/08/08 (264)
  good comment /無內容 - daming 07/07/08 (199)
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