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送交者: Siubuding 2020年06月12日00:11:45 于 [天下论坛] 发送悄悄话
Elihu Yale (5 April 1649 – 8 July 1721) was an American born British merchant, trader, President of the East India Company settlement in Fort St. George, at Madras, and a benefactor of the Collegiate School in the Colony of Connecticut, which in 1718 was renamed Yale College in his honour. The records of this period mention a flourishing slave trade in Madras, a trade in which Yale participated and from which he profited. He enforced a law that at least ten slaves should be carried on every ship bound for Europe. In his capacity as judge he also on several occasions sentenced so-called "black criminals" to whipping and enslavement. When the demand began to increase rapidly, the English merchants even began to kidnap young children and deport them to distant parts of the world, very much against their will. At a time when profits from the slave trade were dwindling and pressure from the Mughal government to stop the enslavement was mounting, the administration of Fort St George eventually stepped in and introduced laws to curb enslavement. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elihu_Yale Hey, what is East India Company? http://www.nationalarchives.gov.uk/slavery/pdf/britain-and-the-trade.pdf https://www.jstor.org/stable/1917131 https://www.google.com/search?q=Elihu+Yale+east+india+company+slave+trade Wow, 馨竹难书, 新竹难书! BLM政治正确革命委员会应该立马审查,着令耶鲁大学即刻改名,并清算耶鲁流毒,号召所有师生与之划清界限,人人表态,人人过关,轰轰烈烈进行批川普批耶鲁的运动。 革命不是请客吃饭。我们一定要将BLM政治正确革命进行到底。 References: 黑人命贵–回复耶鲁华裔学生的公开信 @ http://blog.creaders.net/u/3027/202006/376024.html
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