16.9 善慧地 Benevolent Gnosis Heartland |
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唐三藏说,善慧地者,成就微妙四胜解,能遍十方善说法故。四胜解亦作四无碍解,参见下文的16.9.2节, Tang Tripitaka said, achieving delicately wonderful Four Victorious Interpretations, can preach prevailingly in ten directions, hence the name of Benevolent Gnosis Heartland. The four victorious interpretations are also known as the four non-hindrance interpretations, see section 16.9.2 below. 16.9.1 力渡 Strength Ark九地菩萨修习力渡。力渡以拣择为性,有二种,思择力和修习力。九地菩萨已经证得俱知根,实相妙智,能够了达一切境相,是大力真人。此处略说九地菩萨的十种神力。 Ninth land Bodhisattvas study and practice Strength Ark, which is by selective law as nature, has two types: Strength of Mean Selection, Strength of Study and Cultivation. Ninth land Bodhisattvas have proved “all-knowing all-seeing root”, gained Factual-Phenomena Intelligence, can completely understand all phenomena, are Great Strength Real Humans. Here is a brief introduction to the ten godly powers of the ninth land Bodhisattva. (一)知是处非处智力,此说于一切地、一切时、一切事,九地菩萨都知道对错。世界上的事虽多,但就所发生的处所而言,就只有22处,亦作二十二增上根(参见11.6.5 增上果)。 (二)知过现未来业报智力,此说于一切众生过去、未来、现在三世的业缘果报生处,九地菩萨皆悉遍知。 (1) Intellectual Strength of Knowing Correct Place or Wrong Place, the statement is that on all places all times and all affairs, ninth land Bodhisattva knows right and wrong. Although there are many affairs in the world, in terms of the places where they occur, there are only 22 places, which are also known as 22 Escalatory Roots (cf. section 11.6.5 Escalatory Fruits). (2) Intellectual Strength of Knowing Past Present and Future Karmic Recompense, the statement is saying that on all sentients past present and future, the three generations’ karmas, fruit recompenses, and rebirth places, ninth land Bodhisattva knows those all. (三)知诸禅解脱三昧智力,此说于诸禅定自在无碍,其浅深次第(1),九地菩萨如实遍知。 (四)知诸根胜劣智力,此说于一切众生的根性胜劣,得果大小,九地菩萨皆实遍知。 (3) Intellectual Strength of Knowing Meditation and Stillness liberations, the statement is saying that to those self-sufficiency on meditation and stillness, and to those shallowness, depth, and sequence (1), ninth land Bodhisattva knows those all. (4) Intellectual Strength of Knowing Superior and Inferior Roots, the statement is saying that to all sentient roots are superior or inferior, and to all fruits gained are small or big, ninth land Bodhisattva knows those all. 注16.9-1,在大千世界的三个总持定是少欲(如图16.9-34),无相(如图33),和空(如图32)。按照修习佛法的过程来分,有四个总持定,参见16.3节。 Annotation 16.9-1, the three generally-hold stillness in the “Great Grand Worlds” are Less Desire (Fig. 16.9-34), No Phenomena (Fig. 16.9-33), and Emptiness (Fig. 16.9-32). According to the process of practicing Buddhism, there are four general-hold stillness, see Section 16.3. (五)知种种解智力,此说于诸众生,种种欲乐胜解,善恶不同,九地菩萨皆如实遍知。 (六)知种种界智力,此说于世间众生,种种界分不同(2),即种姓差别,与贪嗔等行随眠差别,九地菩萨如实遍知。 (5) Intellectual Strength of Knowing All Kinds of Interpretations, the statement is saying that to all kinds of desires, laughs, and victorious interpretations, benevolent or ferocious, ninth land Bodhisattva knows those all. (6) Intellectual Strength of Knowing Kinds of Boundaries (boundaries mean seeds), the statement is saying that to those kinds of boundaries (2), i.e., the differences in caste, and the greed, irritation, etc. Mean Muddles, ninth land Bodhisattva factually knows those generally. 注16.9-2,界是种子义,如说金童(即亚当)是图像思维行人,神经质的特质强;再如说玉女(即夏娃)是文字思维型人,觉悟的特质很强,具有女神的外貌(更多信息参见10.9 节《上帝的三位一体》)。 Annotation 16.9-2, boundary means seed. For example, the Gold Boy (i.e. Adam) is a person who thinks in images and has strong neurotic trait; another example is the Jade Girl (i.e. Eve) is a person who thinks in words, has strong conscientiousness trait, has the appearance of a goddess. (see Section 10.9 Godly Trinity for more information). (七)知一切至处道智力,此说于有为无漏行,各知其所至之处,故于至得人间天上的有漏道,至得涅盘的无漏道(3),九地菩萨如实遍知。 (八)知天眼无碍智力,此说九地菩萨已经证知天眼清净,见诸众生死时,生时端正丑陋等善恶业缘。 (7) Intellectual Strength of Knowing All Paths and Arrival-Places, the statement is saying that to those all migrations of have-as laws and none-as laws, and their places arrived, i.e., to those defilement paths of mundaneness and non-defilement paths to nirvana (3), ninth land Bodhisattva factually knows those all. (8) Intellectual Strength of Knowing Celestial Eye without Hindrance, the statement is saying that ninth land Bodhisattva has proved and knows immaculate Celestial Eye, has seen that when sentients are in life and dying, their decent and ugly appearances along their benevolent and ferocious karmas. 注16.9-3,十渡摄尽一切善法。 Annotation 16.9-3, 10 Arks are all benevolent laws. (九)知宿命无漏智力,此说于众生种种宿命(4),从一世乃至百千万世,一劫乃至百千万劫,死此生彼,死彼生此,其姓名饮食苦乐寿命等,九地菩萨如实遍知。 (十)知永断习气智力,此说于一切惑余习气,永断不生,九地菩萨如实遍知。 (9) Immaculately Intellectual Strength of Knowing Fate, the statement is saying that kinds of sentient fates (4), from one generation up to a hundred thousand generations, from one catastrophe up to a hundred thousand of catastrophes, death there and rebirth here, death here and rebirth there, their names foods bitter laugh and life-expectancy, ninth land Bodhisattva factually knows those all. (10) Intellectual Strength of Knowing Permanently Eradicating Habitual Tendencies, the statement is saying that all the residual muddles and habits will never arise again, ninth land Bodhisattva factually knows those all. 注16.9-4,第12章中谈了几个命运的定数。第10章作者我谈了自己的命运。 Annotation 16.9-4, Chapter 12 discusses several fixed fates. Chapter 10 The author talks about my own fate. 16.9.2 利他中不欲行障 Hindrance of Unwilling to Benefit Others九地菩萨断利他中不欲行障。谓所知障中俱生一分令于利乐有情事中不欲勤行乐修己利。彼障九地四无碍解。入九地时便能永断。由斯九地说断二愚及彼粗重。 Ninth land Bodhisattvas sever the Hindrances of Unwilling to Benefit Others. The saying is that among Know Hindrances, First Quadrants aggregately born have Bodhisattvas not desired to diligently cultivate benefits on affairs pleasing and maturing sentient beings. Those hindrances hinder the Four Non-Hindrance Interpretations. When Bodhisattvas enter the ninth land, those hindrances are terminated for ever. Thus, we say that the ninth land Bodhisattvas sever the two fools and their roughs and heavies. (一)于无量所说法无量名句字后后慧辩总持咒自在愚。于无量所说法总持咒自在者谓义无碍解。即于所诠总持自在。于一义中现一切义故。 (1) Fool of Gnostic-Debate Generally-Hold Spell Insufficiency. The Sufficient Generally-Hold Spell on Innumerable Teachings is the said “Significance Non-Hindrance Interpretation”, which is generally-hold sufficiency on the being interpreted, because on one significance shows all significances. 那么,这一义是什么?答:胜义。苦胜谛和集胜谛是世间胜义;灭胜谛和道胜谛是超世间胜义。而四胜谛就是全部佛法。 So, what is the one significance? Answer: Victorious Significance. Bitter Victorious Crux and Aggregate Victorious Crux are mundane victorious significances; Salvation Victorious Crux and Path Victorious Crux are victorious significances of transcending mundaneness. The four victorious cruxes are all teachings of Buddhism. 于无量名句字总持咒自在者谓法无碍解,即于能诠总持自在。于一名句字中现一切名句字故。那么,这一名句字是什么?答:名色(如图16.9-35,37)。名即是四无色蕴(参见11.4节《五蕴》),包括佛教百法中的83法。色即是色蕴,包括11法。名色能生一切法,即是一切法。那6位无为法怎么说?无为法是基于 “无、空” 的法,是对前面94位法中缺乏某些法的称呼。 On limitless names, sentences, and words, the Generally-Hold Spell Self-Sufficiency is the Laws Non-Hindrance Interpretation, which is Generally-Hold Self-Sufficiency on the able to denote, on one name sentence word shows all names sentences and words. So, what is this one name sentence word? Answer: Name-Color (see fig. 16.9-35, 37). Name is the four colorless nodes (cf. section 11.4 Five Nodes), which include 83 of all Buddhist 100 laws. Color is the color node, which includes 11 laws. Name-Color can give rise to all laws, that is, all laws. What about the 6 none-as laws? The 6 none-as laws are based on "none, empty”, are names given to the absentness of certain laws in the previous 94 laws. 于后后慧辩总持咒自在者谓词无碍解,即于言音展转训释总持自在。于一音声中现一切音声故。那么,这一音声是什么?答:空。读者你听,佛一直都在讲空,而且佛教亦名空门。 On the rear side of latter gnostic debate, the General-Hold Spell Self-Sufficiency is the Word Non-Hindrance Interpretation, which one sound shows all sounds. Then, what is the one sound word? Answer: Empty. Listen, reader, the Buddha always talks about emptiness, and Buddhism is also known as Empty Door. (二)辩才自在愚,辩才自在者谓辩无碍解,善达机宜,巧为说。 (2) Fool of Debate Eloquence Insufficiency, the eloquence self-sufficiency is the said Eloquence Non-Hindrance Interpretation, is just benevolently finding opportunity, smartly making a speech. 16.9.3 智自在所依真如 True Suchness Depended by Self-sufficient Intelligence九地菩萨证得智自在所依真如,已于无碍解得自在。那么,这个真如是什么呢?当然是四胜谛。四胜谛中,苦谛最大,能摄其它三个胜谛,所以苦谛,即三千大千世界,是智自在所依真如(如图16.9-36)。 Ninth land Bodhisattvas testify and gain the “True Suchness Depended by Self-sufficient Intelligence”, have achieved self-sufficiency on Victorious Interpretations. So, what is this true suchness? Of course, the Four Victorious Cruxes. Among the Four Cruxes, Bitter Crux is the biggest and can assimilate the other three cruxes, therefore, the Bitter Crux, that is, the Three-Grand Great-Grand Worlds” (Figure 16.9-36), is the True Suchness Depended by Self-Sufficient Intelligence. ↪️返回总第16章道谛的目录↪️Return to Content of Chapter 16 Path Crux. |
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