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送交者: adajo 2008月08月25日21:59:51 於 [彩虹之約] 發送悄悄話
回  答: 如果可以completely humble and gent柯思炫 於 2008-08-25 20:42:29
"如果可以completely humble and gentle,be patient, bearing with one another in love, 那這個人在主里一定非常快樂吧 ?"

I think it depends on whether that person is broken by the Lord or not. If not, it must be painful to him/her, no matter a deacon or a so-called "小小平信徒"(I can't find that word in my Bible, haha...). None can make it without the grace from God and the work by the Holy Spirit.
  please read again: - any_one 08/26/08 (326)
    報告!我已遵囑重讀樂~~ - adajo 08/26/08 (280)
      只是看到你的標準答案,心中感觸 - any_one 08/27/08 (292)
        呵呵, - adajo 08/27/08 (305)
          多謝, - any_one 08/27/08 (288)
            U r welcom! :)) - adajo 08/27/08 (297)
              看到你在上面辛勤為主做工,好好犒勞一下自己。/end  /無內容 - any_one 08/27/08 (257)
    嗯,就是不是如果的問題,是必須的問題。 - 柯思炫 08/26/08 (306)
      humble, gentle, patient, love, - any_one 08/27/08 (237)
  呵呵, 看來需要調整觀念, - 柯思炫 08/26/08 (391)
      小柯, - adajo 08/26/08 (311)
        不好意思, - 柯思炫 08/26/08 (324)
          :)) - adajo 08/27/08 (294)
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