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Brilliant choice by McCain
送交者: xinmin 2008月08月29日10:35:45 於 [彩虹之約] 發送悄悄話
回  答: The first female president isYuehanmiao 於 2008-08-29 09:19:24
Palin now has Hillary worried.

Worried, because Palin will likely become the first female president before Hillary.

Obama could have cruised to an easier victory on Nov.4, had he chosen Hillary as Veep. Now he stands to lose the election to McCain/Palin. If that happens, Hillary will likely re-surge past Obama in 8 years.
  Do you want a war vs Iran and - xiahong 08/29/08 (368)
    新民 will buy into - mean 08/29/08 (323)
      That is laughable logic - xinmin 08/30/08 (245)
        sorry - mean 08/30/08 (206)
      You speak as if a peace-lover - Yuehanmiao 08/30/08 (300)
        on the contrary - mean 08/30/08 (303)
          as time being, you will experi - Yuehanmiao 08/30/08 (246)
            difference of opinion - mean 08/30/08 (242)
              some are right or wrong - Yuehanmiao 08/31/08 (221)
                sad  /無內容 - mean 08/31/08 (205)
    We will see ...  /無內容 - xinmin 08/29/08 (229)
  Sarah Palin vs. Hillary Clinto - 852 08/29/08 (336)
    Palin is likable indeed. - xinmin 08/29/08 (286)
      Obama cannot change, for sure. - 852 08/29/08 (297)
        Never forget something like B - Yuehanmiao 08/29/08 (183)
          ha ,human beings are FEELING - 852 08/29/08 (155)
            Yes, FEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEELING - Yuehanmiao 08/29/08 (188)
        Cinderella man vs. girl - xinmin 08/29/08 (175)
        Biden's story is moving too - xinmin 08/29/08 (310)
          Indeed it is moving. Now who - 852 08/29/08 (302)
            I have made up my mind - xinmin 08/29/08 (282)
              Please check your sources - mean 08/29/08 (286)
                I confirmed afterwards - xinmin 08/30/08 (265)
                  omigod.... - mean 08/30/08 (300)
                    Oh man. - xinmin 08/31/08 (254)
                      Let's reason thus - mean 08/31/08 (253)
                      Mixed u with McCush. - xinmin 08/31/08 (197)
  God reingns on His throne! - Yuehanmiao 08/29/08 (153)
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