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as time being, you will experi
送交者: Yuehanmiao 2008月08月30日13:49:38 於 [彩虹之約] 發送悄悄話
回  答: on the contrarymean 於 2008-08-30 08:58:34
experience by yourself and see around
the more liberal a politician preaches
the more popular he becomes,


people no longer care about the ABSOLUTE STANDARD,

as a result

people embrace all cheap LOVES such as
taking care of little animals
burning less coal to keep globe COOL instead of warm
leaving Saddam Hussien alone
letting moms to decide her womb business
granting marriage certificate to anyone
giving human being right to decide whether there is God or what he looks like
guaranteeing women to wear anything or undress anywhere and any time
you believe president Bush is not smart enough to please people,
in fact
it is very very easy
one just needs to say and to do anything to make people happy like
those liberals,
he also has his magical point so that he must balance both sides.
  difference of opinion - mean 08/30/08 (242)
    some are right or wrong - Yuehanmiao 08/31/08 (221)
      sad  /無內容 - mean 08/31/08 (205)
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