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Another no-war-peace lover?!
送交者: Yuehanmiao 2008月10月09日08:09:04 于 [彩虹之约] 发送悄悄话
回  答: 不要这样讲,其实很多基督徒反对伊拉克战争。ardmore 于 2008-10-08 16:14:54
please be aware the reality:

In the real world under the real circumstance at this era,
everybody (almost no exception including those terrorists)
proclaims that 'I am a peace lover and strongly against any kind of war',
is it true?
100% true!
I bet that proclamation is from people's heart.

Have you ever hear of anyone who
proclaims that 'I am a peace hater and strongly love any kind of war'?
I bet NOT, even Hitler or Japanese never did so.

In principle,
everybody loves PEACE and hates WAR
in practice,
there is always WAR going on somewhere.


what is the problem?

The problem is
my peace is not your peace or his peace!

How to solve the problem?
Talk first,
(usually seldom works)
Fight second.

伊拉克战争 is no exception!

USA was attacked by terrorists,
US government was informed that Saddam of 伊拉克 was dangerous to USA,
mideast and all over the world,
this administration MUST deal with the information seriously,
US government gave Saddam of 伊拉克 an option to avoid WAR and he refused,
伊拉克战争 started!

Liberal no-war-peace-lovers try to act as a ZuGe Liang after the event
by saying '伊拉克战争 is a mistake and it is all Bush's fault',
that is not fair!
Congress voted for 伊拉克战争,
congress and government must take the responsibility
for better or for worse!
This result never turns out those who voted NO
are smarter but they are Liberal no-war-peace-lovers!
and they care their popularity more for re-election
and care the safety of USA less.

The real conflict between western countries and muslin countries
their different moral values.
(westerner are eager to liberate their women in muslin countries
by promoting education programs or equal rights etc.,
muslins hate westerners' shameless behavious).

This problem is impossible to be solved before Christ's second coming!

伊拉克战争 is not too much different from Korean war or Vietnam war,
just another war,
you are told and you also believed
of course
you have your own freedom to believe anything!
not because what you thought of 伊拉克战争
but liberal ideas and liberal shameless practices
in people's everyday life, such as,
her president played cigar in oval office with a naughty girl!
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