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送交者: mean 2008月10月09日21:55:03 於 [彩虹之約] 發送悄悄話
回  答: any weapon is a humanitarian cYuehanmiao 於 2008-10-09 17:50:43
the atomic bombs did not fundamentally alter the course of the war, merely quickened the pace of Japanese surrender, perhaps by a couple of months at best. was it good for the allies? somewhat. but "really really good"? I'm afraid that you are overstating your case.

fruit knives do not result in a collateral damage amounting to tens of thousands of civilian lives. to be more accurate, more than 200,000 civilian lives were lost, and the devastating aftermath from radiation went on for decades. I believe that the Americans did nothing wrong, from strategic standpoint, in dropping atomic bombs, but to defend them from a moralistic and from a religious ground, is simply ludicrous.

even our churches expressed indignation: a report by the federal council of churches entitled "Atomic Warfare and the Christian Faith", includes the following passage: "As American Christians, we are deeply penitent for the irresponsible use already made of the atomic bomb. We are agreed that, whatever be one's judgment of the war in principle, the surprise bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki are morally indefensible."

moralistically, there has to be a point where we draw a line and say, this is beyond necessity, this is a trap of Satan, who wants nothing better than to have christians lose their humanity in the name of religion.

I hope you still have yours.
  It is common sense - Yuehanmiao 10/10/08 (403)
    oh puh-lease - mean 10/10/08 (296)
      if your reasons are sound - Yuehanmiao 10/10/08 (200)
        which part of this stmt - mean 10/10/08 (204)
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