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why do we support israel?
送交者: mean 2008月10月09日22:21:44 於 [彩虹之約] 發送悄悄話
回  答: jewish-christian reconciliatinmean 於 2008-10-09 09:30:34
we support israel so the jews can make it even harder for the gospel to be spread. they do not persecute preachers, no, they just persecute any jew who dare to declare himself/herself a follower of Christ. one (rather moderate) jew went as far as saying that for a jewish family, the convertion of a family member to christianity is worse than atheism or even death. for anyone who reads the bible, paul has made it plenty clear that unless by the blood of Christ, the jews are as condemned to hell as anyone on earth, regardless of what the promise of God is (for the promise of God is realized through Christ). indeed, to revere the jews as the chosen people of God, is to deny our own status as the new israelite.
  Yes, one Way to be saved - Yuehanmiao 10/10/08 (314)
    jews are as ready as anyone - mean 10/10/08 (336)
      human beeing can figure out - Yuehanmiao 10/10/08 (320)
        Zeals are very very few? - mean 10/10/08 (345)
          btw - mean 10/10/08 (284)
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