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you gotta understand
送交者: mean 2008月11月04日11:42:08 于 [彩虹之约] 发送悄悄话
回  答: I found out liberal and conserYuehanmiao 于 2008-11-04 11:12:44
conservative political ideals isn't the same as conservative economic ideals isn't the same as conservative moral ideals isn't the same as conservative religious ideals. same applies to "liberal".

Adam Smith didn't lay down his economic principles for God.
The Greeks didn't create democracy for God.
The Romans didn't create republic for God.

Just because Christian society embraced laissez-faire free market values over the past few hundred years, doesn't mean laissez-faire free market values are Christian; Just because (mostly) Christian Americans embraced a democratic republic system to be their government over the past few hundred years (one of the founding fathers, Benjamin Franklin, is a theist, not a Christian), doesn't mean democratic republic system is Christian.
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