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The Feast of the Lord
送交者: theson 2008月11月08日09:08:04 于 [彩虹之约] 发送悄悄话
回  答: 主的筵席theson 于 2008-11-08 08:59:07
Let's Pray:
O Lord Jesus, we enjoy You. We enjoy Your essence, we enjoy Your element, we enjoy Your presence, and we even enjoy Your countenance; we see You face to face.

  On the table of Thy love,
With the bread the cup is spread.
By partaking of these signs,
We with Thee are richly fed.
How we thank Thee for this cup,
For the cup of blessing, Lord,
Cup of Thy Salvation full,
Cup of all Thou dost afford.

Today's Verses and Footnotes: Luke 24:13-53
Key Verse:
Luke 22:19 And He took a loaf and gave thanks, and He broke it and gave it to them, saying, This is My body which is being given for you; do this in remembrance of Me.
Luke 22:20 And similarly the cup after they had dined, saying, This cup is the new covenant established in My blood, which is being poured out for you.
Life Supply:
Luke 22:19 says, "And having taken a loaf, when He had given thanks, He broke it, and gave it to them, saying, This is My body which is given for you; do this unto the remembrance of Me." The loaf in verse 19 is not the loaf of the Passover; it is the loaf of the Lord's table. Furthermore, in this verse the Lord said, "Do this unto the remembrance of Me." Thus, it was not a remembrance of what took place in Exodus 12. Taking the bread of the Lord's table is done in remembrance of the Man-Savior.
We have emphasized the fact that the Man-Savior instituted His supper, the Lord's table, after He and the disciples ate the Passover feast. He initiated His supper for His believers' remembrance of Him to continue and replace the Passover feast, the Old Testament practice of the elect's remembrance of the Lord's salvation (Exo. 12:14; 13:3). This new practice of the New Testament is to remember the Man-Savior by eating the bread, which signifies His body given for His believers (1 Cor. 11:24), and drinking the cup, which signifies His blood shed for their sins (Matt. 26:28). The bread denotes life (John 6:35), the life of God, the eternal life, and the cup denotes blessing (1 Cor. 10:16), which is God Himself as their portion (Psa. 16:5). As sinners, their portion should have been the cup of God's wrath (Rev. 14:10). But the Man-Savior drank that cup for them (John 18:11), and His salvation has become their portion, the cup of salvation (Psa. 116:13) that runs over (v. 23:5), the content of which is God as their all-inclusive blessing.

Such bread and such a cup are the constituents of the Man-Savior's supper, which is a table (1 Cor. 10:21), a feast, set up by Him so that His believers may remember Him by enjoying Him as such a feast. Thus they testify of His rich and marvelous salvation to the entire universe and display His redeeming and life-imparting death (v. 11:26). (Life-Study of Luke, pp. 426-428)
1. What is the meaning of the Lord's supper? (See Luke 22:19-20, Matt. 26:26 note 1, note 2)

2. What is "to eat the bread and to drink the cup"? (See Luke 22:19-20, Matt. 26:26 note 2, 27 note 1)

3. Why do we need to do this? (See Luke 22:19, Acts 20:7)

Tomorrow: The Word Became Flesh
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