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感觉 is desperately needed on everything
送交者: Yuehanmiao 2008月06月30日08:04:33 于 [彩虹之约] 发送悄悄话
回  答: 我批评的灵恩派重点只限于咱们网上的摇头 于 2008-06-30 05:28:47
to everybody! no matter you believe or NOT!

this is why Hollywood could be SUCCESSFUL in this world,
everyday everybody need 感觉 on everything,
husband and wife would have miserable life if no 感觉 anymore,
christian would change(leave) church if no 感觉 anymore at the present one
(at any one),
...... we must acknowledge this FACT,

the key problem for us is how to find and/or get 感觉 that
is healthy, constructive,and beneficial, in short, biblical.

many brothers and sisters among 灵恩派 are really really blessed
with those needed 感觉 if they don't go out the FRAME of
sound doctrines, we should learn from them, if I were you
I would be there to experience the reality. I wish I could attend
a conference like that next time when JOYKING brother hosts
since we are not far from each other. On the other hand,
we should be also very cautious, many brothers and sisters among 灵恩派
are exclusively those who believe 'Jesus Christ paid everybody's
penalty on the cross and so on and so forth'.

We need 感觉
we don't have much
we insist on we are sufficient
we behave like warm water
we are tired of everything
we pretend okay
we are identical to unbelievers as deeds show
we have more struggle than unbelievers
Joel Osteen has been trying to help
Show mercy on us, oh Lord, God.
  怎么,耐不住寂寞了? - 摇头 06/30/08 (232)
    肉体(real) 感觉 (real) - Yuehanmiao 06/30/08 (201)
      呵呵,一向敢言的苗大哥这话怎么就不敢说呢? - 摇头 06/30/08 (208)
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