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want proof?
送交者: mean 2008月11月15日16:34:46 于 [彩虹之约] 发送悄悄话
回  答: 你造谣!可耻!知音 于 2008-11-15 13:16:48
do I really need to provide proof? I thought the posts by plenty of political conservatives over the past few weeks are proof enough. seriously, do I even need to bring up the decry of a socialist USA by caleb et al. once again? but perhaps you'd like to read:

"Between God and the Market: The Religious Roots of the American Economic Association" by Bradley W. Bateman and Ethan B. Kapstein, mentioned how, through most of the 19th century, Protestant churches were among the most prominent voices in American society in favor of laissez-faire economic policies (read, the core of raw capitalism) and against the possibility of class conflict.

"The Spirit of Democratic Capitalism" by Michael Novak, one of the foremost Christian thinkers on the economy, showed the consistency of capitalism with church teachings on wealth. In fact, it appeared in a underground edition in Poland during the 1980s and had an obvious impact on the Solidarity movement. The same author also penned "How Christianity Created Capitalism".

"The Naked Public Square" By Richard John Neuhaus, another very influential book, repeatedly maintains that democracy is "mandated by biblical faith". Arguing that America is engaged in an historic moment of testing, he draws upon Protestant, Catholic, and Jewish thinkers who have in other moments of testing seen that the stakes are very high—for America, for the promise of democratic freedom elsewhere, and possibly for God’s purpose in the world.

If you are really interested, in how conservatives are monopolizing God, "God is a Conservative: Religion, Politics, and Morality in Contemporary America" by Kenneth Heineman is an intelligent, well written treatise. A rather mild take on religious conservatism, the author embraces some liberal values such as Roosevelt's New Deal (widely decried as the first step toward a welfare state by the traditional right-wingers), making him an atypical conservative at that.

Another, perhaps more brief look at capitalist values in christianity is found here: http://www.leaderu.com/orgs/probe/docs/bib-econ.html "A Biblical View of Economics" by Kerby Anderson. While http://www.wrs.edu/Materials_for_Web_Site/Journals/15-1_Feb-2008/McIntire--Gods_State.pdf gives you the most oft-heard opinions from the christian right on a welfare state.

I don't want to mention how the religious right laments the end of democracy and the beginning of marxism, now that Obama is taking over America, since I'm sure you are already getting plenty of that. Otherwise, their blog sites are full of them, look it up yourself.
  I have to say though - mean 11/15/08 (188)
    即使有,也只是个别共和党,没代表性,你还是造谣可耻  /无内容 - 知音 11/15/08 (173)
      你造俺的谣更可耻!  /无内容 - yuanyin 11/15/08 (200)
        想起来了,你就是传说中的网特  /无内容 - 知音 11/16/08 (205)
          不就是你造的谣么.可耻的造谣者!还不悔改 - yuanyin 11/16/08 (179)
      talking with you - mean 11/15/08 (154)
        你一理屈词穷了就来个鸡同鸭讲自慰,真是得了阿Q的真传啊,嘿嘿  /无内容 - 知音 11/15/08 (120)
          就凭你?呵呵……  /无内容 - mean 11/16/08 (142)
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