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I have to say though
送交者: mean 2008月11月15日16:41:01 于 [彩虹之约] 发送悄悄话
回  答: want proof?mean 于 2008-11-15 16:34:46
most of the books I have named give a sound argument, or they wouldn't have been as influential as they are, yet somehow these sound argument gets distorted and lost as the religious right embraces them. so now you start having conservative priests refusing to provide communion to the religious left, conservative christians voting to kick out the religious left out of their church... while the conservative blog sites continue to mourn for the loss of their "free america". sad.
    你造俺的谣更可耻!  /无内容 - yuanyin 11/15/08 (200)
      想起来了,你就是传说中的网特  /无内容 - 知音 11/16/08 (205)
        不就是你造的谣么.可耻的造谣者!还不悔改 - yuanyin 11/16/08 (179)
    talking with you - mean 11/15/08 (154)
        就凭你?呵呵……  /无内容 - mean 11/16/08 (142)
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