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hehe...the original order from
送交者: MDT 2008月12月07日19:20:12 於 [彩虹之約] 發送悄悄話
回  答: 為什麼神一直反對在各種高崗上獻祭? 我想可能無為 於 2008-12-07 18:58:35
the jewish god to the jews is that they can worship him wherever they want to, highlands,
pasturelands, etc. just like Abraham, Moses did.

After Solomon has built the temple, the prists and the government want to centralize
their power, collect the money, and control all the people, they start to require jewish
people to worship only at the temple, and ban other places.

Of course, they have to say that it is an order from god.

In fact, many jews do not agree, and they consider Solomon's temple a pagan product. They oppose this ban fiercely and continue to worship and offer at their local places.

Of course, these prists get all killed, in the name of god.

THIS IS, of course, real history, not fable or bible stories.

  read Deuteronomy 12 - kibitzer 12/08/08 (151)
  real history acc. to whom? u? /無內容 - mean 12/08/08 (252)
    to serious historians, not rel - MDT 12/08/08 (295)
      name your source  /無內容 - mean 12/08/08 (280)
        go to read any serious Jewish - MDT 12/08/08 (222)
          name your source  /無內容 - mean 12/08/08 (198)
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