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BTW, even Jesus was
送交者: MDT 2008月12月08日11:21:55 于 [彩虹之约] 发送悄悄话
回  答: If u are serious about historygems 于 2008-12-08 11:00:57
an imaginary figure, who ever existed in history. The words and attitude
the imaginary figure had about the Temple indicated that he is against
the Temple.

Furthermore, there were jewish oppositions and resistence to Solomon's Temple from
the very beginning. This movement had continued to the time of the imaginary Jesus
and even after the time of the imgainary Jesus to this very day.

This is history, Jesus or non-Jesus.

If you tell me that you are a historian about chinese history in the west, I wont be surprised.
To be honest, I can also challenge your so-called specialty in chinese history.

  ever==never /无内容 - MDT 12/08/08 (156)
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