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you always go back to that cycle
送交者: Yuehanmiao 2008月06月17日07:13:09 于 [彩虹之约] 发送悄悄话
回  答: 不是太同意joyking 于 2008-06-16 20:59:36
神预定 is 神预定 based on His eternal sovereign 旨意
神预知 is 神预知 that is one of His capabilities because He is not bound
within the frame of time and space,

There is no CLUE revealed in BIBLE
to tell us 神预定 based on 神预知.
The argue is HERE.

'神不会预定人作恶' here you understand 预定 as TEACH or FORCE,
from this point of view, you are right, however, '预定' the REAL meaning
is not limited to what you understood.
'神没有预定人不信' again you understand 预定 as TEACH or FORCE,
from this point of view, you are right, however, the matter of fact is that
'神预定a few 人信' here we can understand 预定 as TEACH or 'FORCE',
it is TRUE that God-Holy Spirit CHANGED our hearts first so that we can
believe in Jesus Christ (the same fact was viewed from our perspective
is 100%人自己的选择) , we have no disagreement on this point.

as Rev. Tang pointed out :
神预定 100% TRUE
人自己选择100% TRUE
人自己选择 because of 神预定
神预定 never based on 人自己选择

人作恶 because 神没有预定 to force this person not 作恶, although common grace is always there to teach this person not 作恶, if you STOP arguing that the
fact '人作恶 because 神没有预定 to force this person not 作恶' is not FAIR, everything become obvious and clear and understandable, otherwise,
you will never understand
神预定 100% TRUE
人自己选择100% TRUE
人自己选择 because of 神预定
神预定 never based on 人自己选择.

Your argue is:

God love all people (it is true, we all agree)

if God don't do all things equally to each and every people
so that all people have the same opportunity to CHOOSE
by themselves concerning whether he is willing to be saved,
that turn out to be that GOD is NOT FAIR,
because God is FAIR, He must give all people the same opportunity.
(it is not REAL, we all know opportunity is different to each and
every people in all aspects).

Have you seen it clearly? you try to define what is FAIR and what is UNFAIR,
based on your definition, you REASON that God must do this way
otherwise, He must be unfair.
  你自己先整明白再说 /无内容 - newfaith 06/17/08 (149)
    it became fashionable - Yuehanmiao 06/17/08 (139)
    of course - Yuehanmiao 06/17/08 (158)
      it may not be a (human's) common sense; but, it is a very basic - beiqian 06/18/08 (109)
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