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Acts:There are five hostorical
送交者: theson 2008月12月25日14:39:41 于 [彩虹之约] 发送悄悄话
回  答: 诚之Please! 圣灵里的浸是唯一的theson 于 2008-12-25 14:21:10

There are five historical cases of the outpouring of the Spirit recorded in Acts, only two of the which are called the baptism in the Holy Spirit:

1. In these two cases Christ as the Head baptized the Jewish and Gentile parts of His Body in the Holy Spirit once for all; by so doing, He fully acomplished the baptism in the Holy Spirit
upon His Body. - Acts 1:5; 11:15-17

2. In these other cases the baptism in the Holy Spirit that had already been accomplished
upon the Boday by the Head was transmitted to the new members of the Body through
identification with the Body; there three cases were experiences of the one baptism in the Holy Spirit, which the Body of Christ had already received-8:15-17; 9:17; 19:1-7

The baptism in the Holy Spirit is uniquely one and has been accomplished upon the Body once for all; the experiences of the baptism in the Holy Spirit are numerous and may be shared continually by the members of the Body who have a proper understanding and realization- 4:8; 13:9,
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