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HanDan XueBu reflected
送交者: Yuehanmiao 2008月12月29日07:49:14 于 [彩虹之约] 发送悄悄话
回  答: 请教:怎样看待在大陆的父母来美定居这件事any_one 于 2008-12-28 06:03:45
many oversea chinese attitude concerning
parents (and/or in-law) relationship,

these folks TREAT parents in chinese way (baby-sitting + house working)
when needed, after that critical period, they prefer to TREAT
parents in american way (no money or time involved).

Grounded-meat-and-vegetables-stuffed pie would be falling down from the
sky ? One can always be winning?

In practice, case by case, all depend on WISDOM one was offered by
Almighty God
  老苗有所不知, 请父母做baby-sitting - any_one 12/29/08 (253)
    请父母做baby-sitting - Yuehanmiao 12/29/08 (248)
      Good. then after that, your - any_one 12/29/08 (215)
        'positive thinking' is needed! - Yuehanmiao 12/29/08 (247)
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