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美國人相信 and REALITY
送交者: Yuehanmiao 2009月01月16日09:45:16 於 [彩虹之約] 發送悄悄話
回  答: 美國人都相信伊拉克戰爭一半的原因是石油,一半思齊 於 2009-01-16 09:16:49
is different,

I guess
more than 90% of 美國人 don't believe there is a sovereign GOD
who REDEEMED a few people from all nations and left the rest of people
alone, can we change anything? No, not at all!

Your next question must be:
how do I know what 美國人and you guys相信 and the REALITY is different?
Simple! reasoning based on COMMON SENSE!
Oil producer needs a buyer to survive,
Oil consumer needs a source to supply,
medium is that green paper, deal DONE!

war demands human-beings-LIFE,
American needs to exchange life for oil??!!
    REALITY is REALITY, - Yuehanmiao 01/17/09 (328)
      REALITY is REALITY, not - candle 01/17/09 (335)
        You revealed what you are - Yuehanmiao 01/17/09 (339)
          I revealed I jumped around ? - candle 01/17/09 (349)
            if you always tell a lie - Yuehanmiao 01/17/09 (303)
              我說了,我沒有jump around,你卻栽贓,你是在 - candle 01/17/09 (308)
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