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solid reason?
送交者: mean 2009月01月16日23:13:39 於 [彩虹之約] 發送悄悄話
回  答: Jing2Ying2 plannedYuehanmiao 於 2009-01-16 13:21:50
don't make me laugh. there was never any hard evidence. the same evidence was presented to the other countries and practically no one bought their argument. even among those numbered among the coalition of the willing, including Britain, Spain, Italy, the vast majority of people opposed such a war.

now compare that with the response america got in attacking afghanistan.

like I said before, with deluded, die-hard fans, there is no reasoning. 那叫什麼來着?兩眼一抹黑;睜眼說瞎話。

what is jing2ying2 anyway? is that chinese? or is that some dialect that i am not familiar with?
  jing2ying2 means well-educated - Yuehanmiao 01/17/09 (408)
    man, you pinyin sucks  /無內容 - mean 01/17/09 (325)
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