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送交者: 从上而生 2020月05月25日13:13:24 于 [彩虹之约] 发送悄悄话
回  答: GRUDEM系统神学第三章对约十六13-14 的解释nngzh 于 2020-05-25 12:42:14


16:13 On the Spirit of truth, see note on 14:16–17. The Spirit’s ministry of guiding Jesus’ followers into all the truth is a promise especially directed toward these 11 disciples, and it finds particular fulfillment in the subsequent work of these disciples in personally writing or overseeing the writing of the books of the NT (see note on 14:26). The promise, like the other things that Jesus says in these chapters, also has a broader application to all believers as the Holy Spirit leads and guides them (see Rom. 8:14; Gal. 5:18). The activity of the Holy Spirit in declaring the things that are to come suggests that he knows the future, something that is true of God alone; this gives evidence of the full deity of the Holy Spirit. The word declare (Gk. anangellō) occurs over 40 times in the Septuagint translation of Isaiah, where declaring things to come is said to be the exclusive domain of God (Isa. 48:14) and where God challenges anyone to declare the things that are to come (Isa. 42:9; 44:7; 46:10; cf. 41:21–29, esp. vv. 22–23; 45:19).

 Crossway Bibles. (2008). The ESV Study Bible (p. 2057). Wheaton, IL: Crossway Bibles.

        一贯的伎俩:理屈词穷就搬兵,没出息透了☝  /无内容 - 从上而生 05/25/20 (61)
            你的信仰根本就是一塌糊涂,跟懊悔哥一样让圣灵下岗一边卖呆 - 从上而生 05/25/20 (67)
              而且俺最想不到的是你自创“教义默示论” - nngzh 05/25/20 (61)
                去上面👆学习一下吧  /无内容 - 从上而生 05/25/20 (68)
              当你把教义与上帝真理本身划等号的时候,你是在高抬人的思想 - nngzh 05/25/20 (59)
                你的信仰极度混乱,你相信两样东西:1,人永远无法认识上帝的 - 从上而生 05/25/20 (50)
                  你一个敢于自创教义默示论的,当然不知道敬畏神的不可测度 - nngzh 05/25/20 (61)
                    去上面👆找抽一下吧😀  /无内容 - 从上而生 05/25/20 (83)
                你这是“上帝真理不可知论”,这与耶稣的教导极度抵触;“你们必 - 从上而生 05/25/20 (63)
            我从来不搬救兵😄  /无内容 - 从上而生 05/25/20 (62)
              俺是盼望诸位弟兄能本着对圣经的诚实,帮你一把 - nngzh 05/25/20 (62)
                你不过是想捞回面子而已😀  /无内容 - 从上而生 05/25/20 (71)
                  希望众弟兄以帮助你的错误为念 - nngzh 05/25/20 (61)
          巴文克开宗明义:教义=\\=上帝真理本身 - nngzh 05/25/20 (72)
            他没有加“纯正sound”这字,加了他就不敢那么说  /无内容 - 从上而生 05/25/20 (59)
              俺想,那是因为巴文克没有象你一样处心积虑地自创教义默示论吧 - nngzh 05/25/20 (46)
                我想巴文克一天到晚处理各样的教义,他脑子里的教义是把各样的 - 从上而生 05/25/20 (58)
                  你就是靠这样的“瞎想”构筑你的教义默示论的?  /无内容 - nngzh 05/25/20 (49)
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