‘The Paraclete takes possession of a pure eye, as the sun does, and will show you in Himself, the Image of the Invisible One. In blessed contemplation of the Image, you will see the ineffable beauty of the Archetype. It is He who shines in those that are cleansed of every impurity to make them spiritual through communion with Him. Just as bright and transparent bodies themselves become scintillating when light falls upon them, and reflect another brightness from themselves, just so Spirit--bearing souls, illuminated by the Spirit, become spiritual themselves, and send forth grace to others…. That form is the source of all that flows there from: the foreseeing of the future, the understanding of mysteries, the understanding of things that are hidden, the distribution of charisms, the participation in heavenly life, the chanting in the choir of angels, endless joy, the permanent indwelling within God, resemblance to God, and finally that supremely desired goal – to become god.’ St. Basil of Caesarea. 9.23
‘保惠师用清明的眼睛占有我们,就像太阳一样,并会在祂这位不可见之者的像里面显出你的自己。在对这个像有福的凝视中,你将会看见那个原型无法言述的美丽。这就是那些洁净自己一切的不洁净,而借由与祂交通成为属灵者里面照耀的那位。就像光辉和透明的身体本身,当光照耀在他们身上的时候,他们成为闪耀的,并从他们身上反射出另外那个光辉,就像背负圣灵的魂(Spirit--bearing souls)一样,被圣灵所光照,而成为熟练的,并将恩典赐给众人。。。。那乃是一切恩典的源头:预见未来,认识奥秘,理解隐藏的事物,分赐恩赐,有份于属天的生命,与天使的合唱团中咏唱,无限的住在,永远住在神里面,与神相似,至终,达到我们期盼最超越的目标—成为神(to become god)。’
该撒利亚的巴西流,圣灵论(On the Holy Spirit )9.23。