俄列根 In Gen
We say this to show that the words of Isaiah are not all spoken as if he was only an intermediary, but because participation in God also conferred the authority of God and because as a result of the dwelling of God in them, those who participate in him are called 'gods'.
In Gen. 247.24-7, Origen – 创世纪,俄列根
。。It is that there are many 'gods' and many 'lords' in heaven and on earth and it is not the idols or demons that are 'gods' but those to whom he who has deified them as come. If the Word of God comes to people, those people are deified.... They are called 'gods' in the phrase, 'God of gods, the Lord has spoken', that is to say, he is God of those who have become gods by participation.
。。在天地间有许多的神(复数,gods) 和许多的主(复数,lords),他们不是偶像或邪灵,而是被他(神)所神化的。如果神的道临到人,这些人就被神化。。。。他们在“众神的神(God of gods)”’这句话中被称为‘众神(gods)’,也就是说,他乃是那些借由有份而成为众神(gods)的神。
In Gen. 248.4-12, Origen – 创世纪,俄列根