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见仁见智?! some issue YES, such as
送交者: Yuehanmiao 2008月07月21日07:03:01 于 [彩虹之约] 发送悄悄话
回  答: 查经以弗所书第一章。soccerfun 于 2008-07-19 22:54:11
you like Man2Tou2 or Mi3Fan4,
other issue NO, such as, you found a way to God.

after 2,000 years, the key issues concerning christianity
left little room for us 见仁见智, what you keep arguing
belongs to one of them,

in fact, it is very very easy to understand as long as
you put yourself less than or at maximum equal to as righteous as God,
you would have no question, He 100% predestined everybody's eternaty
and everybody 100% decided his eternaty according his will.
God broke His own promise Gen 2:17,
He paid a big price, which is priceless,
to REDEEM a few,
if you are not more righteous than God,
you never think He should not leave
a few people UNSAVED or in HELL.
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