Elders must be characterized by a firm hold on the trustworthy and sound teaching of Scripture. This soundness comes from the faithful teaching they receive, ideally through the exposition of Bible texts by ministers who are called and equipped to preach. We are living in a time when church attenders often prefer an impressionistic approach to teaching. Instead of the didactic proclaiming of the Bible’s message, they prefer moving stories and explorations of the pastor’s feelings. Since some believe that such an approach is more likely to fill the pews, too many preachers abandon or neglect their primary calling as teachers of biblical truth. Paul urges Titus, “But as for you, teach what accords with sound doctrine” (Titus 2:1). In 2 Timothy 4:1–2, Paul urged his other protégé, Timothy: “I charge you in the presence of God …: preach the word.”
长老的特点必须是牢牢抓住圣经中值得信赖和健全的教导。这种健全性来自于他们所接受的忠实的教导,最好是通过被呼召并有能力传道的牧师对圣经经文的解释。我们生活在一个教会参加者往往更喜欢印象派教学方法的时代。他们不喜欢说教式地宣讲圣经的信息,而是更喜欢感人的故事和对牧师感受的探索。由于有些人认为这种方法更有可能填满座位,因此太多的传道人放弃或忽视了他们作为圣经真理教师的主要使命。保罗劝告提多,“但你所讲(laleō)的,总要合乎那纯正的(hygiainō)道理(didaskalia,教义)”(多 2:1)。在提摩太后书 4:1-2 中,保罗劝告他的另一位门徒提摩太:“我在神面前、、、嘱咐你……务要传(kēryssō)道(logos)。”