In order to protect the church and extend its influence, Titus and his fellow elders must exercise their ministry of rebuke. The false teachers “must be silenced” (Titus 1:11). The word for “silenced” means “to muzzle,” as is done to an animal to prevent it from biting. It also had the connotation of silencing a false argument by effective reasoning. Paul therefore wanted Titus to teach directly against the prevailing heresies, pointing out their errors and exposing their dangers. This requirement highlights again the need for the biblical and theological training of elders. Calvin writes that “they must be armed not with a material sword but with the Word of God, with wisdom and virtue, that they may be enabled to resist the ungodly.”
为了保护教会并扩大其影响力,提多和他的长老同僚必须履行他们的责备职责。假教师“必须得闭嘴(合和本译作“这些人的口总要堵住”)”(多1:11)。 “得闭嘴”这个词的意思是“套住嘴”,就像对动物所做的那样,以防止它咬人。它还具有通过有效推理压制错误论点的含义。因此,保罗希望提多直接教导反对盛行的异端,指出他们的错误并揭露他们的危险。这一要求再次强调了对长老进行圣经和神学培训的必要性。加尔文写道,“他们必须用上帝的话语、智慧和美德来武装,而不是用物质的剑,这样他们才能抵抗不敬虔的人。”