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送交者: 謹守 2023月12月24日07:28:45 於 [彩虹之約] 發送悄悄話
回  答: 嚇俺一跳:)nngzh 於 2023-12-23 18:36:42

In order to protect the church and extend its influence, Titus and his fellow elders must exercise their ministry of rebuke. The false teachers “must be silenced” (Titus 1:11). The word for “silenced” means “to muzzle,” as is done to an animal to prevent it from biting. It also had the connotation of silencing a false argument by effective reasoning. Paul therefore wanted Titus to teach directly against the prevailing heresies, pointing out their errors and exposing their dangers. This requirement highlights again the need for the biblical and theological training of elders. Calvin writes that “they must be armed not with a material sword but with the Word of God, with wisdom and virtue, that they may be enabled to resist the ungodly.”

了保護教會並擴大其影力,提多和他的老同僚必履行他責備職責。假教師須得閉嘴(合和本譯作“這些人的口總要堵住”)”(多1:11)。 閉嘴這個詞的意思是“套住嘴”,就像對動物所做的那,以防止咬人。它還具有通有效推理錯誤論點的含因此,保希望提多直接教導盛行的指出他錯誤並揭露他的危一要求再次強調對長聖經和神的必要性。加爾文道,“他用上帝的話語、智慧和美德武裝,而不是用物這樣才能抵抗不敬虔的人。”

    嘿嘿,你所有漏風的噻破漏絲污穢的言論都會backfire到你  /無內容 - 謹守 12/24/23 (6953)
      就憑你們幾個? :) - nngzh 12/24/23 (6391)
        那幾個都是你盛情邀請的哦,不是我邀請的哦,只能說明你臉皮厚  /無內容 - 謹守 12/24/23 (5560)
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