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送交者: 謹守 2023月12月27日13:56:30 於 [彩虹之約] 發送悄悄話
回  答: 你這裡“教義”的定義是什麼?xiahong 於 2023-12-27 13:02:53

Sound in Doctrine

Titus 1:7 described elders as “overseers,” pointing out the authority committed to them to rule the church in Christ’s name and by his Word. If there is a danger that guardians would fail to keep watch against error, then it is essential that these watchmen themselves be sound in doctrine. The word for “doctrine” is simply “teaching” (Greek: didaskalia). It informs us that there is a body of truth taught by the prophets and apostles and recorded in Scripture. The gospel consists not merely of sentiments and ideals but of truths that can be taught and learned by Christians. Since Paul emphasizes “the trustworthy word” (Titus 1:9), there must be an unfaithful contrast; since Paul calls for sound doctrine, there is obviously unsound teaching that must be opposed.


提多 1:7 將長老描述督”,指出他予奉基督的名和話語治理教會柄。如果存在監護人無法警惕錯誤的危麼這監護人本身就必教義上保持健全和合本譯作純正”) 教義doctrine這個詞就是“教導teaching”(希臘didaskalia)。有一套由先知和使徒教導並記錄聖經中的。福音不包含情感理想包含基督徒可以教導學習然保調道是可信的”(多 1:9,和合本譯作“真實的道理),那必然存在着不忠然保呼籲健全的(正的)教義就必正的教義

Elders must be characterized by a firm hold on the trustworthy and sound teaching of Scripture. This soundness comes from the faithful teaching they receive, ideally through the exposition of Bible texts by ministers who are called and equipped to preach. We are living in a time when church attenders often prefer an impressionistic approach to teaching. Instead of the didactic proclaiming of the Bible’s message, they prefer moving stories and explorations of the pastor’s feelings. Since some believe that such an approach is more likely to fill the pews, too many preachers abandon or neglect their primary calling as teachers of biblical truth. Paul urges Titus, “But as for you, teach what accords with sound doctrine” (Titus 2:1). In 2 Timothy 4:1–2, Paul urged his other protégé, Timothy: “I charge you in the presence of God …: preach the word.”

老的特點必牢牢聖經得信健全的教導這種健全性自於他所接受的忠實的教導,最好是通被呼召有能力道的牧師對聖經經文的解。我生活在一個教會參加者往往更喜印象派教學方法的代。他不喜歡說教式地宣講聖經的信息,而是更喜感人的故事和感受的探索。由於有些人認為這種方法更有可能填滿座位,因此太多的道人放棄或忽了他聖經真教師的主要使命。保羅勸告提多,“但講(laleō的,要合乎那正的hygiainō道理didaskalia教義)”(多 2:1)。在提摩太后 4:1-2 中,保羅勸告他的另一位徒提摩太:“我在神面前、、、……傳(kēryssō道(logos。”


  跟沒說一樣啊 - xiahong 12/27/23 (3626)
      是你有問題啊 - xiahong 12/27/23 (3529)
        didaskalia這個字首先是teaching的意思 - 謹守 12/27/23 (3279)
          你自己前後兩句話有問題,不明白?  /無內容 - xiahong 12/27/23 (3241)
            你認為有問題,你得負責指出來啊,乾嚎啥呢?  /無內容 - 謹守 12/27/23 (3212)
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