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I know you and all liberals
送交者: Yuehanmiao 2009月05月07日07:49:25 于 [彩虹之约] 发送悄悄话
回  答: I think you are making hellmean 于 2009-05-07 06:34:16
never believe there is a HELL, all you believe is
no war is peace.

in fact, it is very easy to figure this out,
think about it:
if there is no HELL,
why bother there is a JESUS,
why bother to believe in Jesus Christ for His redemptive salvation,
why bother not to do whatever please us,
why bother to proclaim the Gospel for being nailed on the cross like Peter or
chopped like Paul.

Why we say there is a good new (Rm.10:9)?
because there is a very very very bad new (Gen. 2:17)!

Church is not a middle-class-club, but a group of people
redeemed by Jesus with His blood.

Wake up!

There is a Hell, don't go there!
  don't presume anything - mean 05/07/09 (180)
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