你能给个理由“神为什么拣选你,不拣选另一个人”吗? |
送交者: Yuehanmiao 2009月05月12日06:36:53 于 [彩虹之约] 发送悄悄话 |
回 答: 神爱世人,他把救恩给了所有的人。 由 soccerfun 于 2009-05-11 19:14:39 |
dear brother,
see, this is why you could not understand the real meaning of 神拣选. how is it possible for a human being to tell you 神的理由? even your father or mother is impossible to know your 理由 to 拣选 your wife! Gen 2:17, please read it again, it is a bad news. Since then, human being got human being's STANDARD to judge everything, good or bad, human being's STANDARD concerning good and bad is absolutely against God's STANDARD, Paul concluded ALL MEN ARE SINNER, who are enjoying themselves very much and who are not seeking God, based on this reality, or stating from here, it is possible to understand 神为什么拣选你, not because you are better, but because his mercy and grace! Next question you must ask: why He showed mercy to me not the other one??!!~ nobody knows but Himself! reason vs result crystal clear, is not it???!!! |
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