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送交者: 謹守 2023年12月27日19:38:30 於 [彩虹之約] 發送悄悄話



Arminianism is like a bridge in Lancaster County, Pa., that is wide but goes only halfway across the river. It fails to lead a hiker safely to the other side of the river. Arminianism is wide and easy to travel, but it does not lead a person to the harbor of God’s bosom. In the end, Arminianism is cruel in failing to deliver what it promises. It weakens the essence of God, exalts man, and opens the door to liberalism.



The way of Calvinism seems narrow; in some sense it is, for it expects self-denial and teaches that man cannot meet God halfway. But in the end, Calvinism brings a believer across the river into the arms of Jehovah. Believed in the mind and experienced in the soul, Calvinism’s truths lead a sinner to salvation.



Calvinism gives both God and man their due. It glorifies God, humbles the sinner, and encourages the saint. It invigorates the believer who knows that if a sovereign God is for him, no one can be successful against him (Rom. 8:31). As J. C. Ryle writes: “No soldiers of Christ are ever lost, missing or left dead on the battlefield.”

加爾文主義給予神和人有的待遇。它榮耀神,卑罪人,鼓舞聖徒使信徒充滿活力,因知道如果有一位至高無上的神支持他,那麼沒有人能成功地反他(羅馬書8:31)。正如 J. C. (J. C. Ryle) :“有基督的士兵在戰場上迷失、失蹤或死亡。”


Erroll Hulse provides a helpful illustration of how salvation is worked by our sovereign God: 爾·赫爾斯(Erroll Hulse)提供了一有用的例明我至高無上的上帝如何實現救恩:


In the town of Otley in Yorkshire a group of anxious onlookers surrounded a man who was lying down flat with his hand down a rainwater drain. Among the onlookers was a mother duck expressing deep alarm. She had been leading her ducklings along the gutter and hopped over the drain, but one by one her ducklings had fallen in. One by one the man lying flat retrieved them. All ten of them were brought up unscathed and happily followed mummy duck down to the Wharfe River. There is no way that they could have come out of that drain on their own. Power of a greater kind than duck-power was needed. In the case of our salvation we must affirm that it comes entirely from an omnipotent, gracious God.



Some suggest that Calvinism and Arminianism should reconcile because the Bible affirms both divine sovereignty and human responsibility. We must be Calvinists on our knees and Arminians on our feet, they say. But such a proposal is naive. Calvinism asserts the role of human responsibility every bit as much as Arminianism does. Calvinism and Arminianism cannot be joined together because of the following irreconcilable differences:



•    The initiative in salvation is either with God or with man.

•    Depravity is either total or partial.

•    Election is either unconditional or conditional.

•    Atonement is either particular or universal.

•    Saving grace is either irresistible or resistible.

•    The saints either must persevere in faith or they may fall away.








These differences are not just matters of emphasis; they represent different systems of thought. The five points of Calvinism are biblical and need to be proclaimed with boldness and vigor.[1]



[1] Joel R. Beeke, Living for God’s Glory: An Introduction to Calvinism (Lake Mary, FL: Reformation Trust Publishing, 2008), 127–129.

  二者的差別本質上說,加符合聖經,阿不符合聖經。  /無內容 - 追求永生 12/28/23 (5028)
    本質上,就是你符合聖經。  /無內容 - xiahong 12/28/23 (4899)
      這是我的意願。如果意願都沒有,妄稱基督徒 - 追求永生 12/28/23 (4925)
        別人都是異端, 都該燒死。  /無內容 - xiahong 12/28/23 (4704)
            你怎麼得救是你的事。但你不可以說別人的領授 - xiahong 12/28/23 (2790)
              當然不是我的條條框框。因着信不是因為信,而是通過信。 - weak 12/28/23 (2544)
                你們得救.....乃是神所賜的 - xiahong 12/29/23 (937)
                  當然是神賜的,ULIP。無條件,特定,不可抵擋,不會失去。 - weak 12/29/23 (290)
          耳朵和眼睛不是擺設,要用。  /無內容 - 追求永生 12/28/23 (4648)
            同意。自由意志嘛,而且要要用對地方  /無內容 - xiahong 12/28/23 (4565)
              這種想法本身就非常T,一個T人是罪的奴僕,哪來的自由意志?  /無內容 - 謹守 12/28/23 (4328)
                我是同意他說的。你應該接在他的貼子下面侃。  /無內容 - xiahong 12/28/23 (4226)
                  我接在你的下面而你在他下面,不是一回事嗎?自由意志不是你一貫 - 謹守 12/28/23 (4215)
                    不是一回事喲。他的內心的自由意志不應該是你的 - xiahong 12/28/23 (4135)
                      同樣,得救之人也沒有自由意志,因為這樣的人是基督的奴僕,哪來 - 謹守 12/28/23 (4119)
                        關鍵的問題是你得救了沒?你只是某種神學的奴僕  /無內容 - xiahong 12/28/23 (4071)
                          是的,我絕不敢做多種神學的僕人,那種“心持兩意”的人肯定沒有  /無內容 - 謹守 12/28/23 (4058)
            要用,也要用對 - nngzh 12/28/23 (4601)
        你的意願是好的,但要用的合宜 - nngzh 12/28/23 (4856)
          你是不是同意謹兄的意願都是好的,就是用的不合宜? - weak 12/28/23 (3065)
    原因就是阿違背了“信仰類比”的解經原則。  /無內容 - 追求永生 12/28/23 (5040)
          TULIP和PEARL都沒有違背聖經的故意 - nngzh 12/28/23 (4642)
            這種想法本身就非常T,一個T人是罪的奴僕,哪來的自由意志不違 - 謹守 12/28/23 (4328)
              得救的基督徒,包括TULIP和PEARl信徒,都不在T之下 - nngzh 12/28/23 (4270)
                珍珠徒怎麼可能是得救的?你“具體”說說?珍珠徒拒絕T就等於 - 謹守 12/28/23 (4173)
                  你家Weak大兄弟都承認“阿民念思想的基督徒”啊 - nngzh 12/28/23 (4153)
                    我那時是沒有被更正的在有形教會的名義上的基督徒, - weak 12/28/23 (2976)
                    寶貝,那是只“可見教會”里的人,神不也稱那些倒斃曠野的人是祂 - 謹守 12/28/23 (4083)
        兩種互相矛盾的教義,在你看來沒有差別。 - 追求永生 12/28/23 (4705)
          俺啥時候說TULIP和PEARL沒有差別? - nngzh 12/28/23 (4665)
            二者都是教義,不是你說的? - 追求永生 12/28/23 (4648)
              PEARL不是教義? - nngzh 12/28/23 (4595)
                但你從來不說亞米念神學是異端,卻又認信加爾文神學。這是假認信  /無內容 - weak 12/28/23 (2971)
                  他是用嘴唇尊敬耶穌,心裡卻遠離祂  /無內容 - 謹守 12/29/23 (1504)
      預定論、TULIP強調的都是聖經啟示的核心信仰內容 - 追求永生 12/28/23 (5034)
          重生得救沒有條件,全在父子聖靈,ULIP - weak 12/28/23 (4706)
            神的奧秘只是這幾句口號?  /無內容 - xiahong 12/28/23 (4676)
              鬱金香是“幾句口號”?你的污隊長只引用3節經文你裝傻?  /無內容 - 謹守 12/28/23 (4279)
                可惜啊,我只看見了口號,時不時的有胡翻譯  /無內容 - xiahong 12/28/23 (4221)
                  永生將TULIP整本書貼出,你讀了嗎?讀懂了嗎?為什麼說鬱金 - 謹守 12/28/23 (4187)
                    有那上好的聖經我不讀,讀永大哥的散裝加爾文? - xiahong 12/28/23 (4092)
                      你始終都不明白提後3:16中“聖經”與“教訓(教義)的差別? - 謹守 12/28/23 (4078)
                        每個人的領受不同很正常。但是用括號去扭曲, - xiahong 12/28/23 (4043)
                          我看是只認識合和本中文字的人惡意拒絕聖經的教導吧  /無內容 - 謹守 12/28/23 (3665)
                羅十8-10是“別的福音”的試金石,你們那”不信TULIP必 - nngzh 12/28/23 (4231)
                  那三節經文的確是“別的福音”的試金石:拒絕鬱金香=拒絕心裡信 - 謹守 12/29/23 (1450)
                  哈哈,你是三句徒。我從不抵擋這三句經文,反而結合其他經文理解 - weak 12/28/23 (2503)
        阿的預知論,救恩失落,違背聖經,自相矛盾 - 追求永生 12/28/23 (5010)
          全然敗壞的核心實際上是Total Inability全然無能 - 謹守 12/28/23 (4990)
            神鑑察人心,透過行為看到本質。 - 追求永生 12/28/23 (4908)
              你們在庸俗化、偶像化TULIP,你們在糟蹋TULIP - nngzh 12/28/23 (4757)
                你是說謹兄引用的Beeke,JIPacker,ESV研讀本, - weak 12/28/23 (2468)
              正是這樣,他們乾脆讓聖靈靠邊站  /無內容 - 謹守 12/28/23 (4840)
          特徵就是用牽強附會的解釋一些不明確的經文,反對啟示明確的經文 - 追求永生 12/28/23 (5003)
            正是這樣  /無內容 - 謹守 12/28/23 (4941)
            認為二者都是一般無二的教義者,不能作教導的工作 - 追求永生 12/28/23 (4986)
              “這些人的口總要堵住。”(多1:11)  /無內容 - 謹守 12/28/23 (4962)
              更有甚者,因為自己沒有辨識能力,反而攻擊正確的教義 - 追求永生 12/28/23 (4963)
                你們幾個栽贓的說法都如出一轍 - nngzh 12/28/23 (4777)
                  你每天都在這裡竭盡全力表演,還用污衊? - 追求永生 12/28/23 (4662)
                    俺全力批評的是你們“不信TULIP必下地獄”的假福音 - nngzh 12/28/23 (4653)
                      你的真福音在哪裡?為什麼總是賊溜溜迴避這個問題?  /無內容 - 謹守 12/28/23 (4282)
                這就是經典的敵基督的人  /無內容 - 謹守 12/28/23 (4952)
  人本與神本,清清楚楚👍🏻  /無內容 - 謹守 12/27/23 (6590)
  寬門與窄門,清清楚楚👍🏻  /無內容 - 謹守 12/27/23 (6595)
  明擺着:不信鬱金香篤定下地獄☝🏻  /無內容 - 謹守 12/27/23 (6620)
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