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送交者: 懶羊羊 2009年01月16日15:58:13 於 [彩虹之約] 發送悄悄話
Think back to how you were initially called .... If you are not an ordained minister, how were you called to your ministry as a member of the Body of Christ? If you do not yet know your membership ministry, you need to discover it, just as much as a minister needs to know which of the fivefold ascension gifts he has received. (Note that the fivefold ascension gifts are: Apostle, Prophet, Evangelist, Pastor and Teacher)
  咋沒有人翻譯呢? - 羅七 01/17/09 (203)
  anything is better than nothin - Yuehanmiao 01/17/09 (542)
    替Yuehan打出中文。 - t531 01/18/09 (264)
      老苗是廣東人吧? - mean 01/18/09 (218)
        NeiMeng人, how about you?  /無內容 - Yuehanmiao 01/19/09 (185)
      xie xie, exactly what I meant.  /無內容 - Yuehanmiao 01/18/09 (163)
    哇噻,太搞笑了.老苗,這是哪國的REALITY? - candle 01/17/09 (412)
      老苗的 pinyin skill - mean 01/17/09 (406)
        哈哈,he really sucks at it. - candle 01/17/09 (227)
        My philosophy: - Yuehanmiao 01/17/09 (344)
          uh... i beg to differ - mean 01/17/09 (215)
          先把你胡編亂造當事實的強迫症治治.請問 - candle 01/17/09 (339)
            老苗,你號稱你 trust I said.現在我再一次 - candle 01/17/09 (318)
              I got your message: - Yuehanmiao 01/19/09 (273)
                老苗,你要表達你的觀點呢沒什麼不可以,但是呢 - candle 01/19/09 (241)
                  Jumping around 沒什麼不可以 - Yuehanmiao 01/19/09 (240)
                    請問,誰在JUMP AROUND?若沒有這事,你以此而推 - candle 01/19/09 (244)
                      Okay, SIMPLE - Yuehanmiao 01/19/09 (236)
                        那麼不用我的定義,用你的,你說,什麼是jump around - candle 01/19/09 (247)
                          用你的! - Yuehanmiao 01/19/09 (273)
                            你沒法定義是吧?那麼你一直以來都是在無事生非是吧? - candle 01/19/09 (326)
                              造謠誹謗是不允許的 anywhere - Yuehanmiao 01/19/09 (268)
                                你若能有半點自知之明,就不至少陷入妄想 - candle 01/19/09 (245)
                              I promote SELF-evaluation - Yuehanmiao 01/19/09 (195)
      REALITY: 謝愛心:) - 懶羊羊  /無內容 - Yuehanmiao 01/17/09 (151)
    苗兄,用一些在線中文輸入吧。 - 誠之 01/17/09 (247)
      xie xie, I will use them  /無內容 - Yuehanmiao 01/17/09 (195)
      還有一個在線的也很好用,而且有很多 - 柯思炫 01/17/09 (377)
    謝愛心:)  /無內容 - 懶羊羊 01/17/09 (194)
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2008: zt從哀歌到讚美
2008: zt在基督里要殷勤 勿做信仰上的寒號鳥
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2007: 耶穌基督的教會的分歧在很大的程度上是
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