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Basis of debate between
送交者: mean 2017年06月28日19:33:09 于 [彩虹之约] 发送悄悄话

Calvinists and non-Calvinists here, methinks, should be this (taken from the preface in "Against Calvinism")

"At the end of the day, Roger (Olson, Arminian) and I (Michael Horton, Calvinist) share the most important agreement: namely, that the crucial questions involved in this or any other debate must be brought to the bar of scripture. We both believe that scripture is clear and sufficient, even if we are confused and weak. We are all pilgrims on the way, not yet those who have arrived at our glorious destination. Only by endeavoring more and more to talk to each other as coheirs with Christ instead of about each other and past each other as adversaries can we engage with serious disagreements—and with the hope that we may also be surprised by felicitous agreements along the way."

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