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送交者: 谨守 2023年11月25日19:15:19 于 [彩虹之约] 发送悄悄话

The orderly study of the truths of the Christian faith has been described by many different terms. The designator “dogmatics” has the advantage of anchoring such study in the normative teachings or dogmas of the church. Dogmas are only those truths properly set forth in Scripture as things to be believed. A truth confessed by the church is not a dogma because the church recognizes it but solely because it rests on God’s authority. Still, religious dogma is always a combination of divine authority and churchly confession. Dogmas are truths acknowledged by a particular group. Though the church’s dogmas have authority only if they are truly God’s truths, church teaching is never identical with divine truth itself. At the same time, it is a mistake to devalue most dogma as impermanent aberrations from the pure essence of a nondogmatic gospel, as some modern theologians do. Opposition to dogma is not a general objection to dogma as such but a rejection of specific dogmas judged unacceptable by some. Thus, theology after Kant denies dogmas rooted in a science of God because of the modern dogma that God is unknowable. Dogmas rooted in morality or religious experience are then substituted in their place. However, from the viewpoint of Christian orthodoxy, dogmatics is the knowledge that God has revealed in his Word to his church concerning himself and all creatures as they stand in relation to him. Though objections to this definition in the name of faith often miss the mark, it must never be forgotten that the knowledge of God, which is the true object of dogmatic theology, is only obtained by faith. God cannot be known by us apart from revelation received in faith. Dogmatics seeks nothing other than to be true to the faith-knowledge given in this revelation. Dogmatics is thus not the science of faith or of religion but the science about God. The task of the dogmatician is to think God’s thoughts after him and to trace their unity. This is a task that must be done in the confidence that God has spoken, in humble submission to the church’s teaching tradition, and for communicating the gospel’s message to the world.[1]

[1] Herman Bavinck, John Bolt, and John Vriend, Reformed Dogmatics: Prolegomena, vol. 1 (Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Academic, 2003), 25.

    请问哪里译错了? - nngzh 11/27/23 (5512)
          你那些回答根本没有直接驳倒谨,不能令我信服。 - weak 11/30/23 (19)
      这位还愣拉吧唧,不知道自己错在那里。他要么愚蠢,要么奸诈  /无内容 - 谨守 11/27/23 (5506)
    天啊,你也这么低级?  /无内容 - xiahong 11/27/23 (5690)
      你中级?N高级?中高级要在彩虹清除低级人士?  /无内容 - weak 11/29/23 (2556)
      哈哈,你才发现啊 - nngzh 11/27/23 (5539)
        对🦐猩猩相惜😄  /无内容 - 谨守 11/27/23 (5494)
  church teaching is NEVER - nngzh 11/25/23 (5289)
      典型的PUA  /无内容 - xiahong 11/26/23 (5907)
      结党分争的事,你们拿手 - nngzh 11/25/23 (4988)
          俺不叫任何人,俺只对自己的观点负责 - nngzh 11/25/23 (4956)
            翻译的境界是:信达雅。倘若你在传递作者意思本身出现了问题, - 谨守 11/25/23 (4926)
              请你翻译一下这句 - nngzh 11/25/23 (4911)
                效法和合本用括号!要知道中文没有冠词,有时不用单复数,无法甄 - 谨守 11/26/23 (7767)
                  翻译不错,符合原意。你那两个括号加的非常画蛇添足 - nngzh 11/26/23 (7413)
                    是啊,英文在没有冠词的情况下跟你平常说出来的意思就完全不一样 - 谨守 11/26/23 (7128)
                      集合名词就是所有的意思啊 - nngzh 11/26/23 (7014)
                        请问保罗“已经完全了”吗?没有!请问保罗的教导Paul’s - 谨守 11/26/23 (6972)
                          保罗的教导、他的教义,固化在圣经中的部分,那是圣灵的默示 - nngzh 11/26/23 (6970)
                            圣灵的工作被你限定为“只默示正典”吗????  /无内容 - 谨守 11/26/23 (6918)
                              我说你们几个恶劣的辩论风气就是把你们的话当成靶子 - nngzh 11/26/23 (6896)
                                答不上来就认怂吧,别装了!你敌对圣经是一贯的,你出这样的谬误 - 谨守 11/26/23 (6874)
                                  圣灵带领的工作,俺在原文里说的很清楚 - nngzh 11/26/23 (6885)
                                    圣灵带领工作出来的东西为什么要冠以“人的东西”而不是“真理” - 谨守 11/26/23 (6856)
                                      “信耶稣得水牛”是真理吗?但圣灵使用它带领有的人重生信主 - nngzh 11/26/23 (6821)
                                        瞎子看见的东西也能信?  /无内容 - 谨守 11/26/23 (6793)
                                          感谢主,圣灵开了他的眼睛,而圣灵的带领工作中,使用了“信耶稣 - nngzh 11/26/23 (6756)
                                            恶心🤮  /无内容 - 谨守 11/26/23 (6761)
                                              你对圣灵带领工作的负面反应这么大? - nngzh 11/26/23 (6760)
                                                那是我对邪灵工作的反应  /无内容 - 谨守 11/26/23 (6725)
                                      因为TULIP和PEARL的都是人的教义啊,都不是神真理本身 - nngzh 11/26/23 (6845)
                                        也就是说,圣灵无论如何做工,都掌控不了在基督里新造的人? - 谨守 11/26/23 (6784)
                                          罗马书十四章,好好静下心来读100遍 - nngzh 11/26/23 (6773)
                                            倘若你正确地理解了这节经文,你为什么又在这里严重违背它呢?  /无内容 - 谨守 11/26/23 (6758)
                            固化成“经文graphe”,但正典形成后圣灵就被你下岗了? - 谨守 11/26/23 (6917)
            你好意思说“负责”俩字?你此前根本就没有意识到集合名词在这里 - 谨守 11/25/23 (4931)
              集合名词没有的,其组成部分就有了?你这逻辑也太强大了 - nngzh 11/25/23 (4926)
                见过蠢的,却没见过这么蠢的!church这个字可以是集合名词 - 谨守 11/26/23 (7701)
                  你就是想狡辩,所采用的狡辩伎俩也是拙劣得惨不忍睹 - nngzh 11/26/23 (7360)
                    你注意看我括号内的注评: - 谨守 11/26/23 (7127)
                      你能认识到TULIP不是divine truth就算有进步了 - nngzh 11/26/23 (7010)
                        注意你的用词:“不是”,而且在这个连接词是不对等用法 - 谨守 11/26/23 (6975)
                          看来你不懂(当然有可能是故意假装不知)三段论, - nngzh 11/26/23 (6855)
                            用老中医带学徒来说门徒给你说说好了: - 谨守 11/26/23 (6739)
                            有人看懂的出现说说?  /无内容 - 谨守 11/26/23 (6750)
                            宝贝:church teaching是集合名词,不是a or - 谨守 11/26/23 (6771)
                              TULIP是啊,是church teaching这个集合名词 - nngzh 11/26/23 (6747)
                                怎么有这么蠢的人呢? - 谨守 11/26/23 (6685)
      集合名词,表明所有Church Teaching都不能等同于 - nngzh 11/25/23 (5270)
          这是巴文克自己的话,不是我的 - nngzh 11/25/23 (5230)
            把戏被错穿了吧?我都把原话贴在主题里了,你却把译文搬出来作为 - 谨守 11/25/23 (5181)
              哪个“单个教义”不在“church Teaching”之内? - nngzh 11/25/23 (5191)
                你咋二愣子一样呢?这里的church teaching也是集 - 谨守 11/25/23 (5151)
                  某个具体教义上的认识不在教会对圣经真理总体的认识之内? - nngzh 11/25/23 (5151)
                    当然是在之内,只有church teaching在所有单个教 - 谨守 11/25/23 (5147)
                      你为什么忽略巴文克的“NEVER”呢? - nngzh 11/25/23 (5079)
                        巴文克的这一说法是在两者都是集合名词的用法  /无内容 - 谨守 11/25/23 (4974)
                        没有忽略啊,我不是反复强调直到基督再来时,教会才会与主面对面 - 谨守 11/25/23 (4974)
          你总算有点开窍了:中世纪教义非常惨淡,仍有人得救,说明 - nngzh 11/25/23 (5229)
            此话差矣!圣经本身是个“渐启明”的过程,教义的发展也是一样。 - 谨守 11/25/23 (5207)
              你是说因教义的“渐启明”使当代教会比初代教会“圣洁度”更高? - nngzh 11/25/23 (5173)
                “亚伯拉罕所信的,是那叫死人复活使无变为有的神”近代有多少人 - 谨守 11/25/23 (5106)
                比中世纪,不是初代教会  /无内容 - 谨守 11/25/23 (5120)
                  所以你那教义的“渐启明”不就是废话一句吗 - nngzh 11/25/23 (5056)
                    怎么会是废话呢?这是圣经本身的话: - 谨守 11/25/23 (4970)
        你自定义,没任何价值的。 - nngzh 11/25/23 (5269)
          这也正是巴文克的意思: - 谨守 11/25/23 (5242)
            俺说“教义是好的,只要用的合宜”,就是这个意思啊 - nngzh 11/25/23 (5223)
              还玩把戏呢?是你将集合名词与单个教义的真理混淆了 - 谨守 11/25/23 (5187)
                你能证明TULIP不在church Teaching之内? - nngzh 11/25/23 (5154)
                  你咋二愣子一样呢?这里的church teaching也是集 - 谨守 11/25/23 (5156)
                    你又在偷换概念。 - nngzh 11/25/23 (5135)
                      这么说吧,你很显然没有得救,跟你说就是鸡同鸭讲。所以请你参见 - 谨守 11/25/23 (5125)
                        你叫谁都一样,除了自定义“属灵人”,你还有啥招数? - nngzh 11/25/23 (5051)
                          你的思维体系中,圣灵根本就不存在(你所说的圣灵实际上是邪灵) - 谨守 11/25/23 (4964)
                      我知道集合名词不是“完美”的意思,我说的是: - 谨守 11/25/23 (5124)
                        说的就是你偷换巴文克的概念 - nngzh 11/25/23 (5073)
                          is这个字两边都是对等的,都是集合名词,教会在地上对教义的 - 谨守 11/25/23 (4964)
                            圣经的清晰性,能拦得住你们对圣经的抵挡吗? - nngzh 11/25/23 (4928)
                              因为TULIP清晰地表达了“神叫他从死里复活”的含义,只不过 - 谨守 11/25/23 (4876)
  请老N到此找抽一下😄  /无内容 - 谨守 11/25/23 (5300)
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