ZT:牧师们的呼喊(视频) |
送交者: 四季树 2012年07月19日06:59:51 于 [彩虹之约] 发送悄悄话 |
ZT:大衛·韋克森牧師的呼喊(7分钟视频) 送交者: 四季树 2012年07月19日06:59:51 于 [彩虹之约] 发送悄悄话
还有这个:众教会,醒过来吧!(5位美国牧者的讲道) 送交者: beiqian 2012月07月19日11:54:07 于 [彩虹之约] 发送悄悄话 回 答:ZT:大衛·韋克森牧師的呼喊(7分钟视频) 由 四季树 于2012-07-19 06:59:51 众教会,醒过来吧!http://www.youtube.com/watch_popup?v=8EZzC9nRXHo&vq=small 讲员: 大卫。韦克森牧师(牧师大卫威尔克森) 凯斯。但以理牧师(牧师基斯丹尼尔) 雷欧纳牧师(牧师伦纳德雷文希尔) 卡达。康伦牧师(牧师卡特肯伦) 辛杰美牧师(牧师吉姆Cymbala) 译者:马强盛/颜美娟夫妇 More to come... 送交者: msc 2012月07月19日13:41:12 于 [彩虹之约] 发送悄悄话 回 答:ZT:大衛·韋克森牧師的呼喊(7分钟视频) 由 四季树 于2012-07-19 06:59:51 http://holydesperation.com/hdTopicalSermons.php?topic=mpm ******************************************** Thanks for posting 送交者: mean 2012月07月20日07:04:44 于 [彩虹之约] 发送悄悄话 回 答:ZT:大衛·韋克森牧師的呼喊(7分钟视频) 由 四季树 于2012-07-19 06:59:51 I don't there is one person who is not touched by the bare-all honesty that is in Rev. David Wilkerson's famous sermon. He spent 50 years in preaching, and the Holy Spirit once took him to the midst of drug addicts and gang members. If our faiths challenge us to new heights, with fervor in prayers and in God's word, in the works of Holy Spirit, going to places we are not used to going, doing things we are not comfortable doing, encouraging one another to do the same, then his sermon has meant something; but if his sermon only helped us in justifying our self-righteous anger, in pointing fingers, in thinking that we are somehow holier than those who hasn't heard this sermon, or in voting for republicans or democrats, then we have missed the whole point of his message. |
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