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1 Paul, an apostle, (not of men, neither by man, but by Jesus Christ, and God the Father, who raised him from the dead;) 保罗强调自己从神来的权柄。

2 And all the brethren which are with me, unto the churches of Galatia:

3 Grace be to you and peace from God the Father, and from our Lord Jesus Christ,每次保罗写信开头喜欢用Grace和peace祝福信徒,神的恩典grace是我们每个基督徒从信主到见主,从今生到永远都依靠的,信徒成圣之路是恩典之路。每个信徒,主都应许“我留下平安给你们”,正常的基督徒生活应该在不论任何环境中都有peace,因为是从上头来的,不会受这个世界影响,但是一个不顺服圣灵的生活会使信徒失去peace。

4 Who gave himself for our sins, that he might deliver us from this present evil world, according to the will of God and our Father:基督在十字架上为我们已经成就了deliver us from this present evil world。这个当今的世界无论如何罪恶,基督徒都有在基督里应许的自由,如同以色列人出了埃及,不再受法老的辖制,基督徒也不再受这个世界的罪恶的辖制。因为,“因为已死的人是脱离了罪”(罗6:7)。基督徒对罪的自由是通过主耶稣基督deliver出来的,不是通过修炼。通过修炼如果能够脱离罪,那么主耶稣基督钉十字架就是徒然的牺牲了。佛教等其他宗教苦修的结果是越发抵挡神,甚至自己替代神,只能说增加了他们的罪恶,而那拒绝神,以自己为义的世界却认为的他们也是成圣了。可叹今天基督的教会居然也用世界的眼光看神眼中的罪(那是替代神,deceive 世界的),将恶当作善,因为不和神站在一个角度看。

5 To whom be glory for ever and ever. Amen.

6 I marvel that ye are so soon removed from him that called you into the grace of Christ unto another gospel:连保罗都吃惊自己建立的教会这么快离开恩典之路,神召我们进入基督耶稣里的恩典之路,靠神的恩典成圣。完全不同于外邦不信之人的成圣之路,我们的路开始于神的呼召,没有神的呼召,没有人可以进入基督的恩典里;我们的路,一路上也是靠神的恩典扶持——依靠圣灵成圣,这不是出于人的意愿,也不是靠人的力量完成。即使如历史上的特殊基督徒,如St. Anthony the Great, St. Francis of Assisi 等特殊的人物,他们也是神特别呼召,特别用恩典带领的,基督徒没有佛教之类的个人修行之路,只有一路与神同行的恩典之路。

7 Which is not another; but there be some that trouble you, and would pervert the gospel of Christ.离开神的恩典,不依靠神的恩典来成圣,是pervert the gospel of Christ,是搅扰基督教会的。

8 But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed.这种离开恩典的成圣办法是应当被诅咒的,即使如同摩门教说的出于某种启示,有所谓的先知另出一本经书。保罗在此早警告教会,因为这另一个福音否定了耶稣基督为我们成就的救恩。

9 As we said before, so say I now again, If any man preach any other gospel unto you than that ye have received, let him be accursed.保罗再次强调任何人传另一个福音,搅扰教会,混乱神的道,这人要被诅咒,可见教会有义务抵挡混乱福音的教导。任何心中顺服神的人都要看传另一个福音,混乱基督的福音为一件非常可憎恶的事。但是,今天有些信徒居然不但自己不抵挡,还认为这样做失去了基督的宽容仁慈,因为眼睛瞎了。

10 For do I now persuade men, or God? or do I seek to please men? for if I yet pleased men, I should not be the servant of Christ.讨好人是一种试探,尤其是熟悉的人,更加不愿意得罪。神的仆人要讨好的只有一位,就是在凡事上只让神喜悦,宁可失去朋友,甚至亲人的喜悦。任何人所行的,将来要向神交账,讨好人,维护人的,也要向神交账。

11 But I certify you, brethren, that the gospel which was preached of me is not after man.

12 For I neither received it of man, neither was I taught it, but by the revelation of Jesus Christ.保罗在上两句接着前面强调自己作为使徒是神直接设立,再次强调自己从神直接得启示,强调他的教导不是可听可不听的人的言语,是有从上头来的权柄的。

13 For ye have heard of my conversation in time past in the Jews' religion, how that beyond measure I persecuted the church of God, and wasted it:保罗介绍自己的悔改见证,他曾经逼迫教会。

14 And profited in the Jews' religion above many my equals in mine own nation, being more exceedingly zealous of the traditions of my fathers.保罗曾经热心遵守律法,在肉体上严格守律法,无可指责的,比同辈人更长进。但是他也是热心逼迫基督和基督的教会的。可见不信的人是在黑暗之中自以为义,这个世界看他们外表以为他们是敬虔的人,是圣人,但是,看看他们怎么对待基督耶稣,上帝的儿子。无论是佛教,还是儒教,他们不都是抵挡神,逼迫基督徒和基督的福音的吗?他们敬拜的不是神,如果是神,他们的神岂会不启示他们来接受福音得救呢?连信从摩西传的律法的犹太教徒,像保罗这么虔诚的法利赛人都会成为神的仇敌,今天教会岂能因为外邦宗教一些外表的善行就觉得他们有一些从神来的普遍启示呢?他们若有启示,可以让教会借鉴,那从上头启示他们的岂不进一步启示他们,让他们接受基督耶稣以得救?佛教修道之路若有普世价值,有神来的智慧,岂不引导他们走向光,为何他们却越修炼越拒绝真光呢?确切地说,那是一条交鬼之路,是基督徒禁止去学习的。那些修炼得道的高僧,岂是得到了神?他们是成了魔鬼的奴隶,魔鬼在他们身上显出能力来,在这个世界上到处迷惑人,甚至行虚假的神迹奇事迷惑这个世界,多么可憎恶的东西!基督徒领袖们还不悔改吗?你们用交鬼的路来帮助信徒成圣,还有神吗?

15 But when it pleased God, who separated me from my mother's womb, and called me by his grace,

16 To reveal his Son in me, that I might preach him among the heathen; immediately I conferred not with flesh and blood:

17 Neither went I up to Jerusalem to them which were apostles before me; but I went into Arabia, and returned again unto Damascus.

18 Then after three years I went up to Jerusalem to see Peter, and abode with him fifteen days.

19 But other of the apostles saw I none, save James the Lord's brother.

20 Now the things which I write unto you, behold, before God, I lie not. 保罗见证自己的信主和成长,不是耶稣基督的使徒们呼召和培养的,是神直接召,亲自带领成长。

21 Afterwards I came into the regions of Syria and Cilicia;

22 And was unknown by face unto the churches of Judaea which were in Christ:

23 But they had heard only, That he which persecuted us in times past now preacheth the faith which once he destroyed.

24 And they glorified God in me.神奇妙的作为,让保罗从逼迫到传他所逼迫的福音,一切是神的恩典。按理说改革宗强调这点。但是现在看来,神学是某种形式的口号而已,教神学的人并不在心里真正按他所教导的看神的作为,也不按他所教导的等候神的恩典,所以才会到外邦宗教中去打水。但是,离开恩典之路,就是另一个福音,搅扰信徒,就当受咒


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