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送交者: 因为冬天已往 2012年05月08日07:22:33 于 [彩虹之约] 发送悄悄话








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送交者: mean 2012月05月08日16:21:17 于 [彩虹之约] 发送悄悄话

回  答:通过下面与以西缅弟兄查经,感觉任弟兄的解释没有说服力。 由 Joshua 于2012-05-08 13:43:22

The next section (vv. 24-26) records a rather strange story. God had said that if Pharaoh would not comply he would kill his son – but now God was ready to kill Moses, the representative of Israel, God’s own son. Apparently, one would reconstruct that on the journey Moses fell seriously ill, but his wife, learning the cause of the illness, saved his life by circumcising her son and casting the foreskin at Moses’ feet (indicating that it was symbolically Moses’ foreskin). The point is that this son of Abraham had not complied with the sign of the Abrahamic covenant. No one, according to Exod 12:40-51, would take part in the Passover-exodus who had not complied. So how could the one who was going to lead God’s people not comply? The bold anthropomorphisms and the location at the border invite comparisons with , the Angel wrestling with Jacob. In both cases there is a brush with death that could not be forgotten. See also, W. Dumbrell, “Exodus 4:24-25: A Textual Re-examination,” HTR 65 (1972): 285-90; T. C. Butler, “An Anti-Moses Tradition,” JSOT 12 (1979): 9-15; and L. Kaplan, “And the Lord Sought to Kill Him,” HAR 5 (1981): 65-74. 

“to his feet”. The referent (Moses) has been specified in the translation for clarity. The LXX has “and she fell at his feet” and then “the blood of the circumcision of my son stood.” But it is clear that she caused the foreskin to touch Moses’ feet, as if the one were a substitution for the other, taking the place of the other (see U. Cassuto, Exodus, 60). 

"A bridegroom of blood". Cassuto explains that she was saying, “I have delivered you from death, and your return to life makes you my bridegroom a second time, this time my blood bridegroom, a bridegroom acquired through blood” (Exodus, 60-61). 

"referring to the circumcision". The Hebrew simply has לַמּוּלֹת (lammulot, “to the circumcision[s]”). The phrase explains that the saying was in reference to the act of circumcision. Some scholars speculate that there was a ritual prior to marriage from which this event and its meaning derived. But it appears rather that if there was some ancient ritual, it would have had to come from this event. The difficulty is that the son is circumcised, not Moses, making the comparative mythological view untenable. Moses had apparently not circumcised Eliezer. Since Moses was taking his family with him, God had to make sure the sign of the covenant was kept. It may be that here Moses sent them all back to Jethro (18:2) because of the difficulties that lay ahead.



送交者: 雅1 2012月05月08日08:42:31 于 [彩虹之约] 发送悄悄话

回  答:问题:西坡拉怎么知道要割礼的? 是墨西割了还是他儿子? 由 Joshua 于2012-05-08 08:08:49


Gen 17:12 你们世世代代的男子、无论是家里生的、是在你后裔之外用银子从外人买的、生下来第八日、都要受割礼。  

Gen 17:13 你家里生的、和你用银子买的、都必须受割礼.这样、我的约就立在你们肉体上、作永远的约。  

Gen 17:14 但不受割礼的男子、必从民中剪除、因他背了我的约。

西坡拉怎么知道要割礼的? 经上没说,她可以从自己的丈夫那里知道这个约,也可以从天使那里知道。





送交者: Joshua 2012月05月08日09:46:22 于 [彩虹之约] 发送悄悄话

回  答:你怎样领会? 由 以西缅 于2012-05-08 08:38:02






送交者: 以西缅 2012月05月08日08:21:43 于 [彩虹之约] 发送悄悄话

回  答:问题:西坡拉怎么知道要割礼的? 是墨西割了还是他儿子? 由 Joshua 于2012-05-08 08:08:49



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