On the day of the shooting, a grandfather of one of the murdered Amish girls was heard warning some young relatives not to hate the killer, saying, "We must not think evil of this man."Another Amish father noted, "He had a mother and a wife and a soul and now he's standing before a just God. Jack Meyer, a member of the Brethren community living near the Amish in Lancaster County, explained: "I don't think there's anybody here that wants to do anything but forgive and not only reach out to those who have suffered a loss in that way but to reach out to the family of the man who committed these acts."
Hebai 说的对,信主也不一定就不遭遇这样的事,毕竟连约伯的儿女也遭受撒旦的攻击。 神是保守我们的神,他也是全能的神,这点我们都相信。但是,我们相信:我们最终都要站在耶和华面前接受公义的审判,没有一个人可以逃脱, 福音就是就是为这个时刻准备的。就像有的人说的,我们就像都在一辆车上的乘客,只不过有些人早些下车,有些人晚点下车而已,我们都要下车的,那个站点等待我们的是永生神的审判。
昨天听到新闻非常难受,今天在店里吃饭,看电视里继续播放,眼泪不由地流了出来。作为一个母亲,实在同情这些母亲; 但是,作为一个基督徒,再次觉得心头沉甸甸的:一定要传福音,不是为了用福音改造这个社会——这个社会就像泰坦尼克号那条沉船,命运已定了,而是一定要尽力救一些人,让人“趁着耶和华可以寻找的日子寻找他”。