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送交者: 風影 2014年08月27日04:29:07 于 [彩虹之约] 发送悄悄话


。。It was suggest by Appolinarianism that Jesus Christ as incarnation of Word did not have human soul or human spirit but “inherited” Spirit of God as he was the Word incarnated. No rational human mind or human free will; that Christ without a human soul, made his suffering meaningless. Perhaps also because of this that Appolinarianism was trying to explain that Jesus Christ could resist all kind of temptations as without soul, he was “escape” from the suffering related to the soul, for example, the mental and emotional stress and depression. However, Jesus Christ as incarnation of Word did also has his own soul as he is also fully man, meaning Jesus also has human soul when he took of Manhood unto Himself as second Godhead during kenosis.  Nevertheless, Jesus Christ had “advantage” of having the divine mind in human body since he is also fully God.   Paul also urged Christian in Romans 12:1-2 to “let God re-mould your minds from within, so that you may prove in practice that the Plan of God for you is good, meets all His demands and moves towards the goal of true maturity.” As we know that our Lord Jesus Christ also suffered from his human mind but he did not sin...

因此如果过于强调人是没有"自由意志",总是觉得有些怪怪的。 人是有灵魂的,有个别思想能力,能够自由的去思考,去创作。。。

欢迎拍砖 :)

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