做不到你那样绝决,总管不住给你打电话.有时侯真稀望不知道你的电话号码, 这样的话,想拨也不知道拨向何方.
不知道日子是如何变质, 是从你苦痛的感恩节? 还是他在这里找到工作? 感恩节的时侯每次电话都因种种原因无法同你正常交谈. 帮他找工作也不是头一天. 你是经历过我住院的日子,当那些日子重演的时候,你不会不明白我是多么希望有人在我身边帮我一下. 我曾努力帮你在我们工司找工作. 只是未果. 没想到过去的日子在你的眼里是被蛇咬了一口.
从头到尾,我们的交往都是在你的引道. 你要画上句号了,也是不以我的意志所转移. 我的每个电话都是以你的冷嘲热讽所终结. 我只能长叹一声.随你所愿吧. 但我还是想告诉你过去的日子我没有被蛇咬的感觉, 那是我一生最快乐的日子, 觉得最有希望的日子. 我为那段日子谢谢你.
His reply:
I input all my feeling and warmth in the past FOUR YEARS. I do not know how many sleepless nights I had and how much tear I got. But I remember when my only star which guides me in my darkest nights was gone. I realized the past was just my dream. I had been placed as a joker in her planned drama. I pretend to be strong, if not, at least I can convince myself to survive although the scar on my heart will last forever. All my feeling has been burned out, from now, I do not think I can feel any pain from anywhere.