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送交者: ztyixia 2008月09月16日12:18:29 于 [竞技沙龙] 发送悄悄话
回  答: 关于季后赛安慰赛期间的Waiver提案提前通过ztyixia 于 2008-09-16 12:04:22
Please note: Players in your league were inadvertently listed as free agents from 3:00 to 6:00 AM ET on Tuesday, September 16. To correct this, any transactions executed during that period, including lineup moves, have been rolled back and the affected players have been returned to waivers. For leagues using a 48-hour waiver period, these players will now clear on Friday rather than Thursday. A complete record of the transactions is available in your league's transaction log. We apologize for any confusion or inconvenience this may have caused.
  首先,Walter根本就不象espn所说的 - icecold 09/16/08 (170)
    Patten在周六Walker之后被放,应该在周一被 - ztyixia 09/16/08 (171)
      对不起,我没办法认同这个。巴顿出现在waiver - icecold 09/16/08 (172)
        系统提前执行Claim,就没有给其他队在显示 - ztyixia 09/16/08 (188)
          无论系统是提前还是推迟执行waiver,对大伙儿来说 - icecold 09/16/08 (201)
            你这是在把别队的主观意向和系统的客观失误故意 - ztyixia 09/16/08 (178)
        我们早早开始claim巴顿,并不是因为我们得到了 - icecold 09/16/08 (148)
  有一年FOX的饭太稀也出了类似的问题 - 狗狗鹰 09/16/08 (179)
    二周下来俺觉得ESPN比Yahoo好得多  /无内容 - ztyixia 09/16/08 (149)
  纯属胡说八道,我现在没时间,待会儿再说吧。 /无内容 - icecold 09/16/08 (94)
  现在所有BAL和HOU的球员都在Waiver里 - ztyixia 09/16/08 (113)
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