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送交者: 小寒* 2008月06月24日08:24:25 于 [股市财经] 发送悄悄话
回  答: 宗教版。小寒,你来给改改罢Yani 于 2008-06-23 23:12:51
再想想, 再改改...

Look once more at your clear eyes, how many dreams have you left behind?
May we let, the warmth of our hearts, to drive away the cold, to lighten up the dark.

Look once more at your cloudy eyes, how many wishes have you left behind?
M_a_y we, take over y_o_u_r love, to deicate it to the stars, to give it the to mountains (try a different word here)

Look once more at your caring eyes, there’re regrets no more you left behind.
May we hold, your bravery with both of our hands, to carve it onto the earth, to spread it into the sky

We’re united by our veins; we’re mirrored by our hearts
We’re sharing the same tears; we’re holding the same belief always
我们无法相替, 是你经受的苦难
    Version 2 - 小寒* 06/24/08 (179)
      看了一下大家的翻译,对第一版做了些改动 - Yani 06/24/08 (169)
        谢谢, 帖到高山上了.你E给过客兄了吗? - 小寒* 06/24/08 (148)
          翻着好玩而已,其实就是幼气院的水平 - Yani 06/24/08 (137)
            炒家? 你看最近油价上午跌几块, 下午涨几块 - 小寒* 06/24/08 (115)
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