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I guess depend how much money
送交者: k19 2008月10月26日20:10:55 於 [股市財經] 發送悄悄話
回  答: K19同學,那把錢放在哪裡安全?6degrees 於 2008-10-26 18:40:20
You have.

Some people buy Francs and some put into singarpore.
Some put the gold in the bullion banks in europe.

There are so many ways and so many things you can do.

I will put at least 15% of the money into gold and silver. Yes I have 6 month worth of food water and propane gas. Don't forget Gun and Ammo. You can even trade your ammo when thing gets bad. But we are not there yet. And I am not sure how bad we will get.

How to prepare for it? Watch this. I think this guys said it much better than me.


I watched the chapter 20 earlier today. And it is not loading right now. if it does not work for you. Try it later. Or you can watch from the begining.

Just make a list of the thing that you should do for what might happen. Do the things that you can do easily first. Then move on to the next plan.

Always have some cash under your mattress. I have a bullet proof mattress with combo lock :-) just kidding.

One more thing always disscuss with people who are like minded. Spend little first. Watch what is going on closely.

Remember, you only need to live 3 month longer than other people, And you only need to be 1 day earlier than other people.
  k19同學,俺覺得俺已經夠悲觀的了, - 6degrees 10/27/08 (245)
    last year? that was late. hehe - k19 10/27/08 (215)
  gold has little vaue - aqaqaqaq 10/26/08 (287)
    we got ride of gold for 37 - k19 10/27/08 (189)
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