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老D,DCTH 不妙啊!
送交者: jeffdye 2014月05月19日12:16:17 於 [股市財經] 發送悄悄話
回  答: 第三屆股壇大師賽金牌榜【第20周】穿牆屁 於 2014-05-17 15:58:29
from Yahoo DCTH message board:

I read the transcript on seeking alpha - seems like there was only one person (analyst?) with a question. Got the impression everyone has given up on this stock; no one even cares to follow it and there is no interest. Until they show some positive results, they will continue to attract zero interest.

They (HOBBS) said the Phase 3 publication is in the final stages and yes they need the P3 Publication for Europe Reimbursement Approval. It will take another 12 months AFTER submission.

This CC made it seem like there's no chance for a submission any time soon.

照目前這種掉法, 好象無底啊。
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