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送交者: deliver 2015月03月29日17:28:57 於 [股市財經] 發送悄悄話
回  答: 第六屆股壇大師賽金牌榜【第13周】穿牆屁 於 2015-03-29 10:36:57

大盤挺高了,漲也漲不了多少了,所以 總體從熊的方向着手風險不大, 燒tqqq/upro 優先於買sqqq/spxu. 因誰也說不準大盤哪天漲還是跌, 所以見好就收一些熊, 以利大盤漲時再燒。

be ready this week

The S&P 500 continues to try to hold the 2045 level and bounce off this range but is having some difficulty as we have not seen a very strong move just yet. Prices could bounce up into the 2081 level but we do believe that prices could do have some resistance prior to that at 2077. This is very close to the midpoint of the swing range and we are seeing prices starting to go through a potential triangle pattern as we are seeing prices going through a consolidating shortening up of the trading range. Although these are usually signs of consolidating moves for a fourth wave and a continuation pattern traders need to realize that these can also be indicative of topping pattern that could be just over extended and ready for a break to lower ranges. 

Traders need to watch for the commitment past the 2090 level as we see that range and a good break through that level we will very likely see new highs moving into the 2180 range. Although we believe this is less likely based upon some of the momentum with the lack of momentum in the divergence in the longer-term trend showing some weakness of the longer-term trend since it is still in an uptrend overall traders need to look out for this possibility. We are still bearish on the overall market unless we break the 2100 range and we believe any trade to this level would be just a short-term bounce or needs to be considered at such. Traders need to watch for potential breakdown of this marketplace and a drop in the S&P of 500 to 550 S&P points. It is my impression that we are at a major top and we could be looking at a major break in the overall market to a bearish tone.

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