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Hard to tell.
送交者: k19 2009月01月18日00:34:10 於 [股市財經] 發送悄悄話
回  答: TO K19童泥 於 2009-01-17 18:12:05
It is not the time to short or go long. Should stay out of the way if you are not in this.

The uptrend still there. if you draw a channel paralle to the top tend and the bottom. We did not breat the uptrend channel. It touched the lower bottom. I really don't know how high bulls will push this.But if we get under 815, you want to sell. One thing for sure, we are going down. Not sure when, I bet it will be in the next 6 months.

Watch for unemployment, it will get much worse. Obama can't create job orally fast enough. Soon he will talk about creat 8 million jobs. He knows nothings. I believe he is part of the problem. So far he changed nothing but continuing the path we are on.

The end game is hyperinflation. I trade the deflation but prepare for hyperinflation.
  TO K19,先謝了。 - 童泥 01/18/09 (237)
    局外等候的資金is bullshit - k19 01/18/09 (268)
  like your analysis - goofizer 01/18/09 (255)
    Thanks buddy. - k19 01/18/09 (306)
      worst yet to come - goofizer 01/18/09 (304)
        You are right. - k19 01/19/09 (263)
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