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I don't even have a back yard.
送交者: egghead1 2009月02月19日07:18:18 于 [股市财经] 发送悄悄话
回  答: 在你们家后院地上打个眼, 看看出油不? :-)小寒* 于 2009-02-18 07:54:06
Xiaohan lao shi, a couple of questions if you have time.

1. I read somewhere that the reason gas has been much stronger than crude in the US is because a lot of the gas in the US market is refined from crude imported overseas. Since crude prices are higher overseas, therefore gas prices are strong. Is it correct?

2. What's your view of the crude contango? Now it's less pronounced as it was a few weeks ago. But the May contract is still more than 10% higher than spot. If the contango is caused by excess crude inventory, do people think the excess will be gone in two months such that spot is trading at 10% discount? I just don't get why the curve is so steep.

thx. :-)
  Oil master, I also have simila - Yani 02/19/09 (316)
    You two are killing me.... - 小寒* 02/19/09 (298)
      thank you so much - Yani 02/19/09 (261)
        Here are the starting days - 小寒* 02/19/09 (262)
          do you know - Yani 02/19/09 (195)
            should be the 5th biz day - 小寒* 02/19/09 (158)
          笑师傅好文笔 - Yani 02/19/09 (209)
            不注册没法在你的播客上乱写乱画 - Yani 02/19/09 (222)
              嘿嘿, 谢谢捧场!  /无内容 - 小寒* 02/19/09 (162)
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