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Sep 2007
送交者: k19 2009月02月22日11:20:43 於 [股市財經] 發送悄悄話
回  答: Contrary indicators:ItsScheme 於 2009-02-22 11:08:13
The real bear started in 2006. in few sectors.
Sept 07 is late. cause the Aug was the credit crunch.

If you see market turnning in sept, you are already late. Cause you did not see what is comming. You simply see it is here. It is a good call, but not nearly good enough. In March 07 when New Century went down, if you have not change your sentiment at that time, you are already late by 6 months. Cause the tide already arrived.

It is very hard to make investment decisions if you don't understand what is comming. To make the right decision you have to look at least 2 years ahead or at least 6 month ahead. If you are behind, you are simply trade the market blind. And your gain will be from luck not from understanding of the market. Even so, I am not saying you can't make money trading like that. Cause daytrading has nothing to do with fundmental. Or at least most of the time it has nothing to do with it. But when it has to do with the fundmental and you are on the other side of the trade. You will be in the world of hurt.
  since you buzzzs me so much - ItsScheme 02/22/09 (382)
    End of this year. I plan to - k19 02/22/09 (284)
      oh, don't wait that long... - ItsScheme 02/22/09 (212)
        It will take a long time for - k19 02/23/09 (198)
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