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送交者: k19 2009月02月22日11:32:10 于 [股市财经] 发送悄悄话
回  答: Contrary indicators:ItsScheme 于 2009-02-22 11:08:13
how many people shorted on Nov bottome? As for me I am a short and hold. Yes I should have take the gigantic profit at that time. But that is not how I invest. I am invest this baby all way down. not interested in making money today and lose money tomorrow kind of trading. Yes when market going up I lose, Market go down I win. All I do is trying to survive the rally. And let the time to judge my investment.

Hahaha, they supposed to say everything is ok, right? aren't they saying that in 07 and 08? lol. Does that matters? See That is the problem. Cause people can be easily fooled. But there are times you can't see that anymore. They already lost most of their credibility. After they put out so many plans and stimulus package. nobody believe them anymore. cause now they see the problem and know it can't be fixed by those stupid things. Because people starting to pay attention to what bears are saying now.

1.5 years ago I was telling people that banks are in trouble and will go bankrupt. They laughed at me. I told people in 06 that massive unemployment is comming they laughed at me. Laugh no more.
  i hear what you say, - ItsScheme 02/22/09 (273)
    whatever you say man. - k19 02/22/09 (236)
      no worry, nobody is going to - ItsScheme 02/22/09 (224)
        Thanks buddy. - k19 02/23/09 (213)
          I am so happy to see - 水滴~ 02/23/09 (226)
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